Baxter came out next. He was still pretty high today but again there was another dog in the training area. The first thing we worked on was jump-teeter-jump (#2), first running with them, then being laterally away from them, then a recall and finally a send. B did all of these well sticking his contacts. (I had some feedback from a friend who said I am using too many words for contacts so I tried not to say anything except the contacts name). Our next exercise was doing a tunnel-frame-tunnel sequence (#1) that we did front crosses and rear crosses on. Arlene said that B's contacts were good and he did well on the rear cross over the frame. Our final sequence was the 2 jumps spread at 15' apart. (#3) Baxter nearly killed himself trying to turn and did a wipeout. We then did just one jump and he was reading my slowing down as a rear cross. I will have to set up this in the backyard and really work this.
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