Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sept 23rd - at the barn

Back at the barn tonight with Andrea, Phoenix, Peso, Ripley and Baxter. We train the puppies, Ripley & Phoenix, (who are now getting too old to be called "puppies") together and we train the big boys, Baxter & Peso, together.

Phoenix & Ripley

Session 1: 5 hand touches, feed with motion, send to crate and reward in crate, release 5 hand touches, send to crate and reward, release 5 more touches send to crate.
Ripley did this great! I couldn't believe how good he actually did the hand touches without trying to bite me (long story but it is something he has done since a pup). I think he liked that I was moving away from him for the treat...no time for biting :)
Session 2: It's Your Choice Game - using Andrea as Ripley's distraction. It only took Rip 3 times of being backed up to realize he had to walk beside me to get where he wanted to go. We were able to walk right up and past Andrea without him leaving my side or looking away. We did this 3 times and then walked right up to her where he sat down. I released him to say hi and then he recalled right back to me. We did this 2 times...very nice!
Session 3: Set Point Work with Spread Jump 16-22-26-22-16. Ripley did the 16 & 22 quite nicely. Andrea thought we should move him back as he was coming off the first jump short, when we did that for the 26" jump he landed even shorter and then crashed (and I mean crashed!) the 26" jump and landed in a heap. We moved him back to his original start position and he jumped it nice again. I was a bit worried about him being afraid as that was the way he used to be but was very brave and didn't think twice.
Session 4: Greg Derrett two jump front cross (basically wraping two jumps back and forth), once each side. Rip did well on this and wrapped the jumps very close. He did knock some bars and I need to really watch my movement while he is over the jump. Will actually have to work on teaching him that he needs to keep the bars up even if I do move (I have a feeling not moving will be hard for me...he is so fast)
Session5: Greg Derrett three jump front cross (basically front cross in pinwheel) moving second jump closer to third on each rep, dog on left and then on right. This was a bit of a disaster! This was Rip's first time actually putting 3 jumps together and he had a hard time focusing on the first jump when he could see the second one. Once I got him over the first two I was not making the front cross properly and he was either taking down jump 2 or 3. Andrea kept saying I was late and tried to que me for when to turn but still had problems. We moved to just doing jump 1 & 2 to see if my movement was the reason for the bar coming down. Nope...not me, he still took number 2 down! :( Andrea then tried to run him to see if it was me but she had the same issues. She said compared to Phe that he was more vibrating...yes, that is the perfect way to describe this crazy boy. We ended with one good one.

Peso & Baxter

Session 1: Set Point work with Spread 16-22-26-22-16. Baxter did this well. He maintained his stay for all 5 with me bouncing back and forth on when the reinforcement and release would come.
Session 2: Nothing but Net with Dogwalk with 2 distractions. I used a bowl with cookies at end of dog walk for the first one. We started with it about 6' away and you should have seen B's eyes! They were huge when he saw the cookies in front of him. He still nailed his position and released to me but really really thought about beating Andrea to the bowl of cookies!! (Sadly, I didn't beat Peso to the bowl and he got a few on his first turn (sorry Andrea!!!) but at least I beat him when it was right in front of him :)) We moved it to 4' away, 2' away, then right beside him. He did all great. We then moved to a ball thrown ahead while he went into position, no movement and then a ball thrown while he was on the downramp. He still stuck his position so I was very happy with him. He did need a few reminders to walk "with me" on the way back and bit the dust on a couple of tunnel discriminations :(
Session 3: Greg Derret 3 jump f/c on left and on right. Baxter did this really well. I am starting to get the correct timing for him at the take off/commitment point. He had nice tight turns to jump number 3.

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