Exercise 1 - Set Point Jumping. Jump 1 stayed at 10" the whole time
16", 22", 26", 22", 26"
Jumped nice over all the jumps focusing forward each time. Rewarded the forward focus throughout exercise
16", 22", 26", 22", 26"
Went around the second jump the first two times to get to the toy. I was able to step on it first so was not rewarded.
Once he realized what was expected, he jumped very nice over all the heights. Good forward focus to the toy each time. Did crouch on the sit/wait.
Exercise 2 - Serp work over 1 jump
Jump set at 26" the whole time
He is really understanding the arm crossing my chest means to take the jump and then rewarding with the toy in my other hand around the jump. He is slicing the jump awesome and kept the bar up each time.
Jump set at 22" to start.
This was Rip's first time trying this exercise. He truly did not understand the arm and kept trying to run under the jump and then would go around and jump it correctly. I don't think he understood to jump into such a small place with his mom standing there :) With the help of an extra bar to keep him from going under! we did have success in the end. Still not comfortable but always wanting to please. Again he is moving into a crouch position in front of the jump!
Exercise 3 - Threadle work with 2 jumps
Jump set at 26"
Baxter is understanding the body/shoulder change really well and was turning right back and going right for his tug at 1 jump. He did 1 jump beautiful 3 times so we moved onto 2. He really worked nicely, turning right in, slicing the jump back out to come right back to his tug. No bars down!
Jump set at 22 & 26" alternating
Ripley really understands this exercise. He has an incredible ability to turn his body and being so agility this is easy for him. He did the 1 jump beautiful but I did not do 2 jumps with him today. Maybe tomorrow :)
Exercise 4 - Serp with 2 jumps
Jumps set at 26"
Baxter was doing this awesome. He is working much better these days in closer proximity to the jump. I made sure to get out of his way but stay within 2' of the jumps as I was moving right or left. He definitely jumps better on his right lead but was doing good both directions.
Did not do this exercise with him today. I felt we needed a better handle on the 1 jump first.
Exercise 5 - Push through with 1 jump
Jump set at 26"
Baxter really understands the step in means to go around the jump and take it! I am so impressed at how easy he picked this up. He did take the bar down at first on the left lead (if I remember correctly) as he wasn't getting his body into the air as he was trying to make the turn/jump too fast. In the end he was keeping all bars up and with jump my leg stepping in he knew what to do.
Jump set at 22" & 26"
Ripley also got this right away. He did sometimes take the bar down when he wasn't trying to jump properly but overall did great.
Exercise 6 - Push through with 2 jumps
Baxter & Ripley
Both dogs did this great too! I had to sit Ripley up looking forward at jump 1 instead of on a serp angle but otherwise he did great. We will work on his more tomorrow I expect.
Baxter worked on his bed in between exercises. He is very good at going directly to the bed and does not move while I work on setting up the next exercise. I left him in a stay while I went in to get treats etc and he was perfect. I also worked on making sure there was no flanking! He tried a couple of times without luck :)
Ripley I noticed today is a flanker! Oh god :( I will have to keep my eye on that as I don't want Susan mad at me for having another one do that to me, lol. I also did a bit of work with him on B's bed. When I was setting the next exercise he would sit on it :)
Tomorrow's plan:
We are training at the barn tomorrow. We will be working on jump grids, set point jumps with the spread as jump 2, we will also work on push throughs. I would like to see what Andrea thinks of Ripley's non-desire to jump the 1 jump like a serp to see if I am doing something wrong. I expect we will do some contacts too.
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