Baxter and I attended a half day 2x2 workshop with instructor Tracy Sklenar. She was an awesome presented/teacher and we had a really good day. I had originally taught B to weave with 2x2 and luring but now he seems to have issues getting into the weaves. I know you aren't suppose to think for your dogs but I know for sure he has trouble checking up before the weaves and I believe (with the confirmation from the chiro when his shoulders were out of line) that he hurts himself in the weaves. If you notice in the picture below, he really does move those poles..and no other dog's pics from this trial moved them like this! :(

So I have decided to go back to step one with B and see if we can get these weave pole entry issues and the driving through with this shoulders under control. Tracy helped lots and gave us lots of ideas to work on. B was showing that he is looking for a toy to come from the air rather than keep his head down and drive from his rear. I will work on rear end awareness exercises, desensitizing him from the throwing a toy action and see if we can get this to work.
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