Another freezing night at the barn...not sure what we are going to do when Jan & Feb come :( Ripley and I started tonight by ourselves, first we did weaves. I made sure that he was calm going into them and when he entered correctly, he was flying!! I can't believe how fast that little black dog is. Next we did set point jump with the double. I did 16-22, 22-22, 22-26, 26-26, 22-26, using his holy roller as the toy, he did those jumps great. He even had a pretty good sit/stay without the vulture sit. We then moved onto a jump grid of 10" jumps set at 6' apart. He again had good sit/stays with me going back to reward at different times. I set him up about 6' back having him take one stride before entering the grid, he did this well. The last thing we did with him once Andrea got there was the dogwalk. Andrea was at the end to ensure he got his contact but she said he drove right to the target plate and was giving me some pretty good touches. We did some by himself and he did a really nice job of running the dogwalk, shifting his weight to the rear and give me good nose touches. Another really good thing is that I used the "touch" command with my hand a few times and he did them nice without biting me!
Baxter and Peso went next and we ran some of the sequences from this month's Clean Run. B had some good sit/stay's. He had some issues with coming into me with the threadle arm. We worked on this until he got it correct and his final run was beautiful!
Abbey was the last dog I worked on. First we started with the dogwalk and I couldn't believe how much faster she was along the top of the walk, so much better. She was also driving down the ramp, giving me the 2o2o contact with a seriously fast release. I realized that there was a target plate there and that it was helping her. I took the target away and she got in the yellow but it was a pretty big jump off with no 2o2o at all. I worked on this for a few more times and she really started to understand. I wonder how long it takes to do the muscle memory...Next we worked on the teeter and he is also doing this much faster. The final obstacle I worked with her was the weave poles. We only had 6 out there but I asked her to do some serioulsy hard entries. The offside was much better than the onside but she tried really hard and got some hard ones. We finished up with some jumping sequences. I have to be careful to not pull off the jumps before she is fully commited to jumping it. She did jump the single bar 16" jumps well so I feel she is ready to move up from Specials to Regualrs.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Nov 17th - at the barn
Tonight we set up the teeter, weaves and table to work on individual obstacle performance. Ripley's weaves are not what I am hoping for so we really need to get back to 2x2's. When he does them, he does them great but I would like to see it every time from all entries...(don't want much, do I?!) The table went well, I played tug with him on it when he layed down fast. When we moved onto the teeter Rip was as high as a kite! It was impossible to do the teeter bangs because all he wanted to do was jump the jumps we had set up for the handling portion of the night! So we decided to just let him do the full teeter. Andrea helped the first 3 or so and then he did 2 all by himself! He has a nice teeter which I am happy about.
After the equipment performance was done we moved onto jumping/sequencing. We had 2 bars on each jump and man was that ever better for Rip. I have a new problem now, all he wants to do is jump even without being told to!! We first started out with a serp to a 270 to another serp. We opened up the serp to help him out and he did it great. He knocked 1 bar the first turn and then went perfect for the second time. The next one we did threadle arm over and then a push through, then another threadle arm and push through. He didn't really do that well with the push throughs so I need to work on this with 1 jump to get it better. The last sequence were threadles and he did that very well. Overall the sequences were quite good for Rip and he seemed to have fun :) The final thing we did was to run them through the box to make sure they didn't flick over another bar, Rip did this well.
After the pups we brought the big boys in and did the same stuff. Baxter rocked at the weaves tonight! No matter what entry I sent him to, he nailed the entry and weaved real nice. I was very very proud of him. I then worked the teeter with him trying to get him to break the contact. I was successful on one attempt and got to correct him, he was perfect on the others. The table was good, he did the down right away.
We then moved on to the jumping sequences. The serps went really well, with Baxter keeping all the bars up and doing it right. The push through's were a bit harder as my timing was off. I need to remember to be showing the push through before he takes off from the jump prior. After working those two jumps I was able to get the timing down and he did it ok. The final sequence of threadles went well also. He really read my deceleration and came right back to my hand. The final thing I did with B was to do the run through the box. He did this well also.
After the boys I got the opportunity to work Abbey with the class. She started off with the teeter and I had her running very fast to the end with a great quick release. I added two jumps to get speed and she was flying! I worked her on the weaves after that and she rocked too. She was able to get all the harder entries from the jumps and stay in them even when I was moving away :) I was very proud of the little terrier at the weaves. Abbey also did the jumping sequences and did much better with the serps today. She still has trouble with the 270 if it is a wingless jump, with wings, she is pretty good. This was the first time that I have ever tried push through's with her and she was awesome! She really read the body movement well and jumped awesome. The threadles also went really well, she is starting to read my body position :) The exciting part of the jumping is that she was flying and did not take down or refuse any of the 16" jumps.
After the equipment performance was done we moved onto jumping/sequencing. We had 2 bars on each jump and man was that ever better for Rip. I have a new problem now, all he wants to do is jump even without being told to!! We first started out with a serp to a 270 to another serp. We opened up the serp to help him out and he did it great. He knocked 1 bar the first turn and then went perfect for the second time. The next one we did threadle arm over and then a push through, then another threadle arm and push through. He didn't really do that well with the push throughs so I need to work on this with 1 jump to get it better. The last sequence were threadles and he did that very well. Overall the sequences were quite good for Rip and he seemed to have fun :) The final thing we did was to run them through the box to make sure they didn't flick over another bar, Rip did this well.
After the pups we brought the big boys in and did the same stuff. Baxter rocked at the weaves tonight! No matter what entry I sent him to, he nailed the entry and weaved real nice. I was very very proud of him. I then worked the teeter with him trying to get him to break the contact. I was successful on one attempt and got to correct him, he was perfect on the others. The table was good, he did the down right away.
We then moved on to the jumping sequences. The serps went really well, with Baxter keeping all the bars up and doing it right. The push through's were a bit harder as my timing was off. I need to remember to be showing the push through before he takes off from the jump prior. After working those two jumps I was able to get the timing down and he did it ok. The final sequence of threadles went well also. He really read my deceleration and came right back to my hand. The final thing I did with B was to do the run through the box. He did this well also.
After the boys I got the opportunity to work Abbey with the class. She started off with the teeter and I had her running very fast to the end with a great quick release. I added two jumps to get speed and she was flying! I worked her on the weaves after that and she rocked too. She was able to get all the harder entries from the jumps and stay in them even when I was moving away :) I was very proud of the little terrier at the weaves. Abbey also did the jumping sequences and did much better with the serps today. She still has trouble with the 270 if it is a wingless jump, with wings, she is pretty good. This was the first time that I have ever tried push through's with her and she was awesome! She really read the body movement well and jumped awesome. The threadles also went really well, she is starting to read my body position :) The exciting part of the jumping is that she was flying and did not take down or refuse any of the 16" jumps.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Nov 16th - Ottawa with Tiffany
I took the boys with me for the weekend to Ottawa. On Sat night we went to flyball practice which they seemed to have fun doing. I still can't believe how happy B gets when he is at flyball, his face looks like a puppy! He got to try out the new box but was hitting too hard and not able to catch the ball that he pretty much only did a few box turns and then was done. Ripley got to do some recalls in one lane while Tiffany's Piper was in the other. He did really great coming right to the tug and not paying any attention to Pipe. They both got to come back to do chase recalls. This is much harder for both of them as it is hard to concentrate when they are chasing the dog in front. In the ed they both did great and had a fun time!
Tonight we headed over to Tiff's house for dinner and then off to the agility arena to work with the dogs. Baxter and Rio worked first on jumping sequences. Baxter had some good start line stays, was keeping most of the bars up. Things to note: I need to be less choppy and harsh with my turns. If I do it to quick and not early enough, I am making him change in the air causing the jump to come down. B was reading my deceleration by taking an extra stride but was still jumping very long once he took off! Need to work on that. The final thing is to "relax"! If I don't panic, he seems to run better...
Next Tiffany helped me with Ripley. We did a bunch of jump sequences and he did really well! I was so proud of the little guy. Things to note: Use food as rewards and/or connection instead of a toy. This keeps him from getting too high around the jumps. Use 2 bars on each jump so that he can see it better, made a big difference. Do only 1 thing at a time, ie. do not move and release him from the sit, this is too much info for him at one time. I need to go back and work his sit-stay. He did great on the bed though and stayed on it between running.
Tonight we headed over to Tiff's house for dinner and then off to the agility arena to work with the dogs. Baxter and Rio worked first on jumping sequences. Baxter had some good start line stays, was keeping most of the bars up. Things to note: I need to be less choppy and harsh with my turns. If I do it to quick and not early enough, I am making him change in the air causing the jump to come down. B was reading my deceleration by taking an extra stride but was still jumping very long once he took off! Need to work on that. The final thing is to "relax"! If I don't panic, he seems to run better...
Next Tiffany helped me with Ripley. We did a bunch of jump sequences and he did really well! I was so proud of the little guy. Things to note: Use food as rewards and/or connection instead of a toy. This keeps him from getting too high around the jumps. Use 2 bars on each jump so that he can see it better, made a big difference. Do only 1 thing at a time, ie. do not move and release him from the sit, this is too much info for him at one time. I need to go back and work his sit-stay. He did great on the bed though and stayed on it between running.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Nov 5th - Lesson day
We started with the puppies today. I need to make sure that Ripley keeps his snoot loop on at all times when he is supervised. I have to make sure that when he comes out of the crate/bed that he is engaged with me and not sniffing around etc. We worked first on a teeter type game. We had to hold the teeter at 90 degrees and then have them jump up, feeding from the front. After a few seconds you drop the teeter and expect the touch. Ripley didn't do the jumping onto the teeter well but when he was on and the drop he did really well. Next we worked on the jump grid which was 4 jumps at 10" spread 6' apart. The final thing we worked on was front crosses between 2 jumps spread at 15' apart. I need to make sure that I am moving and showing a change in momentum to get him to turn better over the jump. Make sure to reward a good one.

Baxter came out next. He was still pretty high today but again there was another dog in the training area. The first thing we worked on was jump-teeter-jump (#2), first running with them, then being laterally away from them, then a recall and finally a send. B did all of these well sticking his contacts. (I had some feedback from a friend who said I am using too many words for contacts so I tried not to say anything except the contacts name). Our next exercise was doing a tunnel-frame-tunnel sequence (#1) that we did front crosses and rear crosses on. Arlene said that B's contacts were good and he did well on the rear cross over the frame. Our final sequence was the 2 jumps spread at 15' apart. (#3) Baxter nearly killed himself trying to turn and did a wipeout. We then did just one jump and he was reading my slowing down as a rear cross. I will have to set up this in the backyard and really work this.

Baxter came out next. He was still pretty high today but again there was another dog in the training area. The first thing we worked on was jump-teeter-jump (#2), first running with them, then being laterally away from them, then a recall and finally a send. B did all of these well sticking his contacts. (I had some feedback from a friend who said I am using too many words for contacts so I tried not to say anything except the contacts name). Our next exercise was doing a tunnel-frame-tunnel sequence (#1) that we did front crosses and rear crosses on. Arlene said that B's contacts were good and he did well on the rear cross over the frame. Our final sequence was the 2 jumps spread at 15' apart. (#3) Baxter nearly killed himself trying to turn and did a wipeout. We then did just one jump and he was reading my slowing down as a rear cross. I will have to set up this in the backyard and really work this.
Nov 4th - at the barn
Tonight with the puppies we worked on weaves, jump grids, set point and the frame. We started with the weaves to make sure they were fresh. There were only 6 weaves so we worked entries at harder angles. He only gets half the entries so we really need to go back to 2x2's! The jump grids went well, using a 6' spacing, 3 small jumps to the spread. We moved the spread from 15' away back to about 19' and then back to 15'. Ripley knocked the bar down once on the double but after that he jumped really well. He focused forward to his toy well. The set point was to the hoop, like his brother, Ripley seems to really like this piece of equipment. We put the hoop up as high as it goes which we are hoping is around 26". Our final thing with the puppies was the frame, we did one laterally away - he got a great 2o2o contact with this one. The next was calling to me - this he had a bit of problems with and Andrea needed to support him. The next one was sending him over - with Andrea's help he did this pretty nice. The final one was running with him - he came off the frame the first time but nailed it the final time.
**we did all the work with the puppies on our left hand side. We need to make sure that next week we do it all on our right side**
Baxter and Peso did more of the Clean Run sequences. He had trouble getting into the weaves from the straight jump but was very high tonight. For a change, Linda had Johny Cash there so I am not sure if it is all the agility he has been doing or the fact that JC was there?! Anyway, he got a nice rear cross into the weaves which was great. He was a bit sloppy on his turns and also ignored my body language that said to serp and left to go through a tunnel! Will have to watch these.

Abbey came in to work with the class. First I worked her on the A-frame, trying to get her into a very quick release from 2o2o with a target plate. She had some nice frames but not really sure that she is fast enough. We also did some recalls between Andrea and I so I am not sure if we wore her out a bit?! We ran the same courses from Clean Run and it seemed that Abbey took down the one jump that was in the deeper dirt. I am hoping it was just the footing as she didn't have any other jumping issues. She did a nice serp over the 16" and never missed a weave entry! even the rear cross one :) Overall she was a bit slow today but really read my body well.
**we did all the work with the puppies on our left hand side. We need to make sure that next week we do it all on our right side**
Baxter and Peso did more of the Clean Run sequences. He had trouble getting into the weaves from the straight jump but was very high tonight. For a change, Linda had Johny Cash there so I am not sure if it is all the agility he has been doing or the fact that JC was there?! Anyway, he got a nice rear cross into the weaves which was great. He was a bit sloppy on his turns and also ignored my body language that said to serp and left to go through a tunnel! Will have to watch these.

Abbey came in to work with the class. First I worked her on the A-frame, trying to get her into a very quick release from 2o2o with a target plate. She had some nice frames but not really sure that she is fast enough. We also did some recalls between Andrea and I so I am not sure if we wore her out a bit?! We ran the same courses from Clean Run and it seemed that Abbey took down the one jump that was in the deeper dirt. I am hoping it was just the footing as she didn't have any other jumping issues. She did a nice serp over the 16" and never missed a weave entry! even the rear cross one :) Overall she was a bit slow today but really read my body well.
Nov 3rd - at the barn
Today we worked the puppies and boys at the barn to make up for missing last night.
We first did some circle work, sit-stays and hand touches. Ripley is not very good at the circle work, we really need to work on this. His sit-stays away from equipment were pretty solid, not moving his feet or sitting forward. The hand touches were definitely an improvement! He did put his teeth on me two times but after correction he used just his nose.
Andrea set up a jumping type grid to work on 270's etc. Unlike Phe, Ripley has not really worked on this so I used his toy to get him to stay on the outside of the 270. After some help he was actually doing the 270 pretty well. I also did some straight lines with me moving and him driving to his toy. It was much better tonight than it has been in a long time, not too many jumps down :)
Baxter came in and we worked on the same circle work, sit-stays and hand touches. All 3 went well with B, he is good at most of those. He needs to learn to nose touch multiple times though, something to work on!
Baxter did not read the 270 that well but after some help he was doing it ok. He doesn't go out very wide so when he is jumping the second jump he is really slicing the jump. When I need him to go straight across the box I either have to call his name or else he takes the off course jump leaving the box at an angle. Andrea mentioned that I should be at the wing on the jump across the box but Baxter wasn't reading that either. His jumping was good though, with minimum bars down.
We first did some circle work, sit-stays and hand touches. Ripley is not very good at the circle work, we really need to work on this. His sit-stays away from equipment were pretty solid, not moving his feet or sitting forward. The hand touches were definitely an improvement! He did put his teeth on me two times but after correction he used just his nose.
Andrea set up a jumping type grid to work on 270's etc. Unlike Phe, Ripley has not really worked on this so I used his toy to get him to stay on the outside of the 270. After some help he was actually doing the 270 pretty well. I also did some straight lines with me moving and him driving to his toy. It was much better tonight than it has been in a long time, not too many jumps down :)
Baxter came in and we worked on the same circle work, sit-stays and hand touches. All 3 went well with B, he is good at most of those. He needs to learn to nose touch multiple times though, something to work on!
Baxter did not read the 270 that well but after some help he was doing it ok. He doesn't go out very wide so when he is jumping the second jump he is really slicing the jump. When I need him to go straight across the box I either have to call his name or else he takes the off course jump leaving the box at an angle. Andrea mentioned that I should be at the wing on the jump across the box but Baxter wasn't reading that either. His jumping was good though, with minimum bars down.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Nov 2nd - Spot On Fun Match
We took the dogs to Spot On's fun match today. Abbey had some nice runs jumping the 16" height well. She had some nice contacts and some good start line stays.
Baxter also had a good day. He had a couple of bars down and 1 off course all day but didn't miss his weave entries which was great. I "thought" he was giving me some nice sit-stay's but after looking at the videos from today I realize that from the front he looks to be sitting but from the back he has his butt up! At least it is far better than before and not 1 single bark from him all day! Need to work on those sit-stays.
Baxter's Jumpers round:
Abbey's Jumpers round (she went before Baxter so I didn't think of the weaves until after she went) I did take her back after and try the weave entry and she nailed it.
Baxter also had a good day. He had a couple of bars down and 1 off course all day but didn't miss his weave entries which was great. I "thought" he was giving me some nice sit-stay's but after looking at the videos from today I realize that from the front he looks to be sitting but from the back he has his butt up! At least it is far better than before and not 1 single bark from him all day! Need to work on those sit-stays.
Baxter's Jumpers round:
Abbey's Jumpers round (she went before Baxter so I didn't think of the weaves until after she went) I did take her back after and try the weave entry and she nailed it.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Oct 30th - at the barn
Tonight was an AWESOME training night! Normally the 4 hours is so long but it just flew by and I was very proud of my pups. Thanks to Andrea and Linda, I was able to get video of both Abbey and Baxter running. The video of Abbey are on her own blog so I won't bother to put them here. It was a bit painstaking but I was very happy to get some of her.
First we started with the puppies and were doing some lead outs. I didn't think that there was any way that Ripley would ever allow for this lead out but after some shaping and use of toys for rewards (strategically thrown out by Andrea) we were able to get him to understand some of the concepts...a huge breakthrough if you ask me. We finished off with some weaves which reinforced to me that I need to get my butt back in the backyard and work those 2x2's.
Next was the big boys turn. Both Peso and Baxter did really well, I was very proud of Baxter. He wasn't turning as tight as we would have liked when the tunnel was in front of him but again with some reinforcements we were able to get some tighter turns. He nailed every weave entry which I was thrilled about and maintained some really good sit-stays.
The class usually follows the boys but because we only had 2 students come Andrea had me work Baxter for the other hour. We set up a pre-starter type course for them which Baxter also did. In between his turns he maintained really good control over himself, doing some sit-stays etc and never once barked at the other dogs (and even Peso was playing the odd time). Linda was nice enough to tape B's final run and he ran it clean! I know it wasn't anything difficult but still, he was running full out, had good contacts and kept the bars up and had a good startline :)
Our final hour was spent doing some harder courses with Abbey and Chase. Andrea figured out some other options and added weaves and teeter to the course. Abbey was being an idiot at the weaves popping the last pole to get to the frame but otherwise did some nice stuff, kept her contacts and jumped the 16" jumps really well. Andrea taped those runs which I am starting to collect now. you can see, great night for the Thirsks :)
First we started with the puppies and were doing some lead outs. I didn't think that there was any way that Ripley would ever allow for this lead out but after some shaping and use of toys for rewards (strategically thrown out by Andrea) we were able to get him to understand some of the concepts...a huge breakthrough if you ask me. We finished off with some weaves which reinforced to me that I need to get my butt back in the backyard and work those 2x2's.
Next was the big boys turn. Both Peso and Baxter did really well, I was very proud of Baxter. He wasn't turning as tight as we would have liked when the tunnel was in front of him but again with some reinforcements we were able to get some tighter turns. He nailed every weave entry which I was thrilled about and maintained some really good sit-stays.
The class usually follows the boys but because we only had 2 students come Andrea had me work Baxter for the other hour. We set up a pre-starter type course for them which Baxter also did. In between his turns he maintained really good control over himself, doing some sit-stays etc and never once barked at the other dogs (and even Peso was playing the odd time). Linda was nice enough to tape B's final run and he ran it clean! I know it wasn't anything difficult but still, he was running full out, had good contacts and kept the bars up and had a good startline :)
Our final hour was spent doing some harder courses with Abbey and Chase. Andrea figured out some other options and added weaves and teeter to the course. Abbey was being an idiot at the weaves popping the last pole to get to the frame but otherwise did some nice stuff, kept her contacts and jumped the 16" jumps really well. Andrea taped those runs which I am starting to collect now. you can see, great night for the Thirsks :)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Oct 29th - lesson
So today Andrea and I went to Arlene Lehman's place for private lessons. We started with the puppies first doing some gridwork, then touches and finally working on the tunnel without using any commands. The gridwork was good, Ripley was a bit off balance going in due to his vulture type sit but finished it nicely. The touches actually got a bit better. The tunnel exercise was to have Rip sit calmly beside me then release him with my body facing the tunnel. Once in, I was throwing the toy to the exit.
Homework for Ripley:
His sit-stay is better than it was but still needs to be worked on - work on less exciting places and build.
We talked about Ripley's refusal to hand touch. I need to be firm with him when he uses any teeth or vocals and I need to feed from the same hand that he is touching.
Need to find stairs or else build a plank for him to nose touch off of. *make sure to have lots of food ready and put food on target the second he does the touch. I can put tape down if he is pushing it around.
Need to work on the "it's your choice" game with food. This way he will know that food is coming and not move his head towards me.
Need to work on the tunnel entrances without verbal or hand commands.
Baxter's session went well. We started with the same grid work as the puppies. He had trouble getting into the last bounce instead he was leaping over the last two jumps together. We then moved on to a tunnel - jump - frame/tunnel/jump sequence. We did not give any commands expecting them to come out of the tunnel and take the frame as it was directly in front. If we wanted them to take the tunnel, we needed to use a threadle arm to get them off the straight line. Baxter went into the tunnel each time but was just anticipating the change but was not really coming into my arm. The final sequence we had to keep the dogs on our arm past the frame/tunnel and go past the jump then allow them to jump back over it. I needed to use treats to keep B on my arm for this.
Homework for Baxter:
Need to work on "it's your choice" game with food the same as Ripley
Need to make sure when using threadle arm to reward for coming into my arm
Homework for Ripley:
His sit-stay is better than it was but still needs to be worked on - work on less exciting places and build.
We talked about Ripley's refusal to hand touch. I need to be firm with him when he uses any teeth or vocals and I need to feed from the same hand that he is touching.
Need to find stairs or else build a plank for him to nose touch off of. *make sure to have lots of food ready and put food on target the second he does the touch. I can put tape down if he is pushing it around.
Need to work on the "it's your choice" game with food. This way he will know that food is coming and not move his head towards me.
Need to work on the tunnel entrances without verbal or hand commands.
Baxter's session went well. We started with the same grid work as the puppies. He had trouble getting into the last bounce instead he was leaping over the last two jumps together. We then moved on to a tunnel - jump - frame/tunnel/jump sequence. We did not give any commands expecting them to come out of the tunnel and take the frame as it was directly in front. If we wanted them to take the tunnel, we needed to use a threadle arm to get them off the straight line. Baxter went into the tunnel each time but was just anticipating the change but was not really coming into my arm. The final sequence we had to keep the dogs on our arm past the frame/tunnel and go past the jump then allow them to jump back over it. I needed to use treats to keep B on my arm for this.
Homework for Baxter:
Need to work on "it's your choice" game with food the same as Ripley
Need to make sure when using threadle arm to reward for coming into my arm
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Oct 28th - the barn and SDC
I had such a great day with B today! I had only 3 students for the competitive class so I decided to run B in the class. I found some good courses to work on from a Clean Run magazine that I thought the group would like. We had a great time talking about different ways to handle them which was fun. B ran awesome keeping most of the bars up (only taking them down when I got in his way for crosses) and nailing every single weave entry! and this was all at major speed. I am sooo happy with him. I talked with Tracy Sklenar today about his weaves and I feel that he is definitely doing what she thinks I should be doing :) He also maintained his sit-stays and this was with other dogs playing so he was pretty charged up.
Here is a copy of what we did tonight. I did a mixture of front and rear crosses.

Prior to the class I brought Rip into the arena. He did some weaves which were good and I also worked on his jumping. I think his main issue is me running when he is jumping. I am not sure what is exactly happening but I am guessing that he is looking at me when I am running or else he just flattens. I am hoping that Arlene will help me with this tomorrow or else when I head to Ottawa and see if Tiff can see what is going on.
After agility I headed to SDC to do a bit of flyball with B and Abs. After speaking with a few people I have decided that it will do him good to get to play. He completely loves it and I could see in his face that he was having a blast. I can't believe how he hasn't done it for so many months and was a super pro at it. He is now laying beside me sleeping away like a happy healthy dog.
Till tomorrow...
Here is a copy of what we did tonight. I did a mixture of front and rear crosses.

Prior to the class I brought Rip into the arena. He did some weaves which were good and I also worked on his jumping. I think his main issue is me running when he is jumping. I am not sure what is exactly happening but I am guessing that he is looking at me when I am running or else he just flattens. I am hoping that Arlene will help me with this tomorrow or else when I head to Ottawa and see if Tiff can see what is going on.
After agility I headed to SDC to do a bit of flyball with B and Abs. After speaking with a few people I have decided that it will do him good to get to play. He completely loves it and I could see in his face that he was having a blast. I can't believe how he hasn't done it for so many months and was a super pro at it. He is now laying beside me sleeping away like a happy healthy dog.
Till tomorrow...
Monday, October 27, 2008
Oct 27th - at the barn & home
So tonight I decided to retrain Abbey's weaves using the 2x2 method, so she is on day 1. Unlike the boys, she is not a dog that has learned to offer behaviors. For this reason she found it challenging that I wasn't telling her what to do. I had the one set open fully and was able to get back about 1' back for her to go around and wrap. On the offside she was able to figure it out pretty easy but on the onside, she was trying to weave properly. I am excited to see how this all pans out. She is doing so great these days, I would love her to have some nice entries like B is having these days.
After that I headed to the barn for a night of agility with the boys. Ripley started first with a set point jump with some physical distractions under the spread jump. He had some pretty good sit stays without being in the vulture sit so I was very happy about that. He rounded nice and drove to his toy. He then did a jump grid that was for bending. He also did well on this one too, going along the straight line quite nice. The final grid was a 5 jump set at 6' 7' 8' 9' between them, all at 6" high. He had some really nice sit-stay's and did this well. The final exercise of the day was weaves. Ripley got quite high at this point and when he did get the entry, he did well but he missed quite a few entries. It is pretty obvious that I need to work more weaves with him in the backyard. Rip was driving nice to his toys today, enjoyed the ritz crackers as his treats and had some nice "with me's". Overall - good day :) Too bad I couldn't remain still for agility with him, he seems to like that better.
Baxter was next and he did all the same exercises as Rip. He had some nice sit-stays, bends, straight lines. When we finished off with weaves I was very happy with him! He really understands to dig in to get that entry and make it into the next pole...I am sooo proud of him!! Even when he is pumped and driving hard, he is digging in. I forgot his snoot loop at home and that is something I need to remember. He has a hard time getting into and out of the arena worrying about the other animals.
After that I headed to the barn for a night of agility with the boys. Ripley started first with a set point jump with some physical distractions under the spread jump. He had some pretty good sit stays without being in the vulture sit so I was very happy about that. He rounded nice and drove to his toy. He then did a jump grid that was for bending. He also did well on this one too, going along the straight line quite nice. The final grid was a 5 jump set at 6' 7' 8' 9' between them, all at 6" high. He had some really nice sit-stay's and did this well. The final exercise of the day was weaves. Ripley got quite high at this point and when he did get the entry, he did well but he missed quite a few entries. It is pretty obvious that I need to work more weaves with him in the backyard. Rip was driving nice to his toys today, enjoyed the ritz crackers as his treats and had some nice "with me's". Overall - good day :) Too bad I couldn't remain still for agility with him, he seems to like that better.
Baxter was next and he did all the same exercises as Rip. He had some nice sit-stays, bends, straight lines. When we finished off with weaves I was very happy with him! He really understands to dig in to get that entry and make it into the next pole...I am sooo proud of him!! Even when he is pumped and driving hard, he is digging in. I forgot his snoot loop at home and that is something I need to remember. He has a hard time getting into and out of the arena worrying about the other animals.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Oct 23rd - at the barn
Another night at the barn, man was it cold and dirty...I think it is going to be a long winter.
I started with Ripley and it went downhill fast :( I just don't know what I am going to do with him anymore. Oh well, it has been a shitty week, so this just fits right in. The only good thing about his session was his dogwalk. He did a nice drive across the lowered dogwalk to the target plate and had some nice nose touches.
Baxter's session went much better, so that was good. We started with the double box work that Andrea organized. We started with front crosses first and B did it really nicely both directions. He kept all the bars up, read the crosses well, and kept his start line stay. We then moved on to rear crosses which B didn't do as well. He kept taking down jump 5 so with Andrea's help we worked the sequence of 3-6 and then 6-7 to keep his head down instead of watching me. We finished off with some dogwalks which he did well. One of the key things that I need to work on with him this week is to reinforce his stay without moving his front feet. If I move away from him laterally, he moves his feet and body to look at me. In order for him to find his line, he needs to stop doing this.
Here is the double box stuff we did for future reference:
After we were done with the class Andrea did a mini class for a couple of us and I ran Abbey. We worked on jumping skills which went really well. We have moved Abbey to 16" jumps now which is going well but is a bit of work for her. We started with a pin-wheel where she had me send Abbey from a distance, throwing a treat tub after jump 2 ensuring she was staying out in the pin-wheel. She did it well both ways but did need to have 2 bars on each jump.
Next we did a 180 and threadles. We started with distance on the 180 which she did well again. The threadles went well also but I have to remember to stand up straight when I turned my upper body.
Next we did 270's. Andrea threw the treat tub out to ensure that she stayed outside of the circle. It worked well and she finished off with some nice 270's without too much help from me.
The last thing we did was the dogwalk. With a target plate at the end, Abbey drove straight through to the target and maintained the contact :) I am hoping with a winter of that, that her contacts will be much more solid.
I started with Ripley and it went downhill fast :( I just don't know what I am going to do with him anymore. Oh well, it has been a shitty week, so this just fits right in. The only good thing about his session was his dogwalk. He did a nice drive across the lowered dogwalk to the target plate and had some nice nose touches.
Baxter's session went much better, so that was good. We started with the double box work that Andrea organized. We started with front crosses first and B did it really nicely both directions. He kept all the bars up, read the crosses well, and kept his start line stay. We then moved on to rear crosses which B didn't do as well. He kept taking down jump 5 so with Andrea's help we worked the sequence of 3-6 and then 6-7 to keep his head down instead of watching me. We finished off with some dogwalks which he did well. One of the key things that I need to work on with him this week is to reinforce his stay without moving his front feet. If I move away from him laterally, he moves his feet and body to look at me. In order for him to find his line, he needs to stop doing this.
Here is the double box stuff we did for future reference:

Next we did a 180 and threadles. We started with distance on the 180 which she did well again. The threadles went well also but I have to remember to stand up straight when I turned my upper body.
Next we did 270's. Andrea threw the treat tub out to ensure that she stayed outside of the circle. It worked well and she finished off with some nice 270's without too much help from me.
The last thing we did was the dogwalk. With a target plate at the end, Abbey drove straight through to the target and maintained the contact :) I am hoping with a winter of that, that her contacts will be much more solid.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Oct 21st - at the barn
We started with the puppies first again tonight. Tonight Andrea came up with the idea that we will help each other to ensure that the puppies sit up straight at the start line. When Phe is going, I will feed her only at a nice sit until Andrea is ready to release her, and then Andrea will feed Rip. The first exercise was the set point jumping which we did with a swedish oxer. Ripley had never seen this before but he did not even think twice jumping it quite nicely. We did 2 at 10-22 x, then 2 at 16-26 x and then back to 2 at 10-22 x. Our next exercise was doing the set point type grid on the slice with a 6-16-6 jump pattern at 6' apart. We did 2 on each side and then moved it to 6-22-6 for 4 on each side. We then finished this exercise by doing 2 at 6-16-6 on each side. Having Andrea feed Ripley in a nice sit position was a GREAT help! I was very happy and it seemed like he was much more in control of his body. The final exercise with the puppies was the dogwalk. We have decided to work on less stuff each night but to make it more worthwhile and I felt it really worked. Ripley was holding a nice stay, running across quite nicely and doing a great target! I was very proud of my boy and then way he handled himself.
The big boys were next. We did the same 3 exercises with them as we did with the puppies. We had to be careful with B that he didn't look at me during the set point sessions. I have to make sure that it is his toy that I am using or else it has no value. Once we had his toy in the equation, it was very nice. For the dogwalk we also added a jump before and after the dogwalk at about 18' away. We were trying to get the dogs to drive onto the dogwalk. Baxter gave me some good contacts even when we did quick release and then tried again to fool him. We then worked on his sit-stay. He was doing a good job of sitting and staying for the whole length of the dog walk and the 2 jumps. The first couple of times when I went back to reward he self released. Andrea helped me by feeding him in place so that he didn't self release. Once he understood I was able to turn and walk back without him releasing.
The big boys were next. We did the same 3 exercises with them as we did with the puppies. We had to be careful with B that he didn't look at me during the set point sessions. I have to make sure that it is his toy that I am using or else it has no value. Once we had his toy in the equation, it was very nice. For the dogwalk we also added a jump before and after the dogwalk at about 18' away. We were trying to get the dogs to drive onto the dogwalk. Baxter gave me some good contacts even when we did quick release and then tried again to fool him. We then worked on his sit-stay. He was doing a good job of sitting and staying for the whole length of the dog walk and the 2 jumps. The first couple of times when I went back to reward he self released. Andrea helped me by feeding him in place so that he didn't self release. Once he understood I was able to turn and walk back without him releasing.
Oct 19th - at home
I had taken a bit of a break with Ripley on weaving in the backyard. I put together the 4 poles and a slight opening on the first set. Ripley had some trouble remembering to go through the final two poles. Once he understood, he did some nice weaving. His entries were very nice though, so I was happy with him.
I also did some jumping with Rip. I only have 2 jumps at home right now so I used a bar on the ground, then a jump at 6" and then the third jump at 22". I started with the third jump at 12" away and continued to move it 1" at a time and then back again. Rip did a really nice job of jumping the 22", so I was happy and we ended on a happy note.
I then worked with Baxter. I did the tough entries by themselves and then I brought in 2 jumps. I was asking him to take the jump and enter at very tough angles and he did a great job! I was very happy with him. We also worked on 270's and threadles inside the 270. He kept almost all the bars up so that was great also :)
I also did some jumping with Rip. I only have 2 jumps at home right now so I used a bar on the ground, then a jump at 6" and then the third jump at 22". I started with the third jump at 12" away and continued to move it 1" at a time and then back again. Rip did a really nice job of jumping the 22", so I was happy and we ended on a happy note.
I then worked with Baxter. I did the tough entries by themselves and then I brought in 2 jumps. I was asking him to take the jump and enter at very tough angles and he did a great job! I was very happy with him. We also worked on 270's and threadles inside the 270. He kept almost all the bars up so that was great also :)
Oct 18th - Spot On Fun Trial
It was a beautiful day to head to Spot On's fun match for the day. A few of our students were there also which made the day lots of fun.
I was very proud of Baxter's performance for the day. He maintained almost all his contacts (he just missed the stop on the A-frame when they lowered it for another dog...I don't think he knew what happened but he did stop at the bottom on the grass). He got every weave entry that was a part of a course, which was great. He maintained some awesome sit-stays during the courses, even one where I was the full dogwalk away and he focused on his line. He did not bark at all when out of the car and did not flank me when we were not running the course.
Ripley got to do 2 courses. The first one was just jumps and tunnels trying to make up 21 points. I decided to keep Ripley controlled instead of letting him run amuck. I did a few threadles with him which he did really nice. I did work him over 16" jumps so that I could just concentrate on handling and not the jumping. He maintained his sit-stay but still in a vulture stance.
The bonus of the day (besides Owen winning one of the classes) is that Ripley did his first ever 12 weaves!! He at first popped out at 10 but once he got it, he did the 12 for two times.
I was very proud of Baxter's performance for the day. He maintained almost all his contacts (he just missed the stop on the A-frame when they lowered it for another dog...I don't think he knew what happened but he did stop at the bottom on the grass). He got every weave entry that was a part of a course, which was great. He maintained some awesome sit-stays during the courses, even one where I was the full dogwalk away and he focused on his line. He did not bark at all when out of the car and did not flank me when we were not running the course.
Ripley got to do 2 courses. The first one was just jumps and tunnels trying to make up 21 points. I decided to keep Ripley controlled instead of letting him run amuck. I did a few threadles with him which he did really nice. I did work him over 16" jumps so that I could just concentrate on handling and not the jumping. He maintained his sit-stay but still in a vulture stance.
The bonus of the day (besides Owen winning one of the classes) is that Ripley did his first ever 12 weaves!! He at first popped out at 10 but once he got it, he did the 12 for two times.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Oct 14th - at the barn
Andrea, Peso and Phoenix were back at the barn this week. It was nice to have our training partners back :)
I haven't had a chance to write my review of the night. The good/bad thing that happened tonight was the realization that Ripley just doesn't know how to jump :( The good thing is that we know there are things to teach him to learn to jump. The bad thing is that it could be many months to teach him this. We worked on the double box framework and Rip did nice going through the exercise but knocked most bars. When we took it down to 16" it was much better. Phe doesn't have any issues jumping the height but even Andrea thinks she could use some jump grid work (as does Baxter). I took a video of Andrea and Phe doing there stuff, check them out :)
I will update the blog tomorrow with what we did and how the boys did.
I haven't had a chance to write my review of the night. The good/bad thing that happened tonight was the realization that Ripley just doesn't know how to jump :( The good thing is that we know there are things to teach him to learn to jump. The bad thing is that it could be many months to teach him this. We worked on the double box framework and Rip did nice going through the exercise but knocked most bars. When we took it down to 16" it was much better. Phe doesn't have any issues jumping the height but even Andrea thinks she could use some jump grid work (as does Baxter). I took a video of Andrea and Phe doing there stuff, check them out :)
I will update the blog tomorrow with what we did and how the boys did.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Oct 13th - Spot On
I decided to rent the agility field at Spot On today to see where Baxter is at with weaves in another location. There was a 2 day trial there on Sat/Sun so I knew that there would be 2 courses set up so I could run them. The first course was a Starter Standard which I ran Baxter on first. (I put a rough idea of the course...distances/locations may not be correct):
Baxter maintained his sit/stay while I led out to the chute. He had a great contact on the frame and waited for his release. He nailed the weave entry and did the jump, table perfect. He had a great dogwalk contact and I sent him to 10 and was doing a front cross from 11/12 where he took 11 down. He did 12-16 perfect with an awesome teeter contact. Rick had taken a video of this and the others of the day but I deleted them by mistake :((
I decided to try the dogwalk - end again and this time I got out of his way from the front cross and he kept everything up. I then went back to do it all again and this time he had #2 down but otherwise was awesome. I couldn't be more proud of him, he didn't even think about getting in those weaves and he had a great start line.
I then brought Rip out. I decided to try to break it up and see where we got to. He did 1-3 really nice two times. I then went on to do the frame/weaves. He had a few really nice frame contacts but he is still slowly making his way into the contact and not driving down the frame. Andrea says that is how they can break their toes so I am worried about him with that. He missed the weave entry the first time but was able to get it the next time. He did have the issue about weaving all 6...I wonder how we will get to 12! lol. He did the dogwalk ok but his contact is a little less that what you would want, he likes to curl around and be off the side. He doesn't understand to drive straight and stay in that straight line. I then worked the jumps. The first time I sent him to 10 and did the front cross again from 11/12. Ripley completely missed 11 but did 12/13/14 beautiful. I tried all different ways to figure out what would work best for him. If I got in the correct position and he took the jump, we inveribly had at least 1 bar down :( I was very happy that he put some of the obstacles together, gave me sits (which he hates to do) and did contacts. I am still worried about these bars.
Next I moved over to the Masters Jumper ring. The course was still set and had 12 weaves in it (wow that judge was mean!) Here is what I remember of the course but not necessarily what the distances/obstacles were:
So it took me 3 times to figure out that the best place to stand to get Baxter into the correct the tunnel of 5 and to get him to take 6-7 (he kept going to the weaves from 6 at first) was to stand at the entrance of the tunnel at 5 and show him the line of 1-4, get to be by jump 7. It worked beautiful on his forth try and did that section really nice. He consistently took 11 down when I was front crossing to 12 but he was cutting that jump so close that I wonder if it was him hitting the standard vs the bar. He nailed the weaves each time we tried (3 times) but on the one time didn't finish them?! Otherwise I was thrilled with his weaves and his start line again. He did the final line beautiful each time but usually does, lol. Overall I think the day was a great success. I think even Rick was impressed at what he saw. Now I might have to try and get to a trial to really see how he is doing. I don't know that I can wait for another 3 I am planning to go to the fun match next weekend so maybe that will be the next test.

I decided to try the dogwalk - end again and this time I got out of his way from the front cross and he kept everything up. I then went back to do it all again and this time he had #2 down but otherwise was awesome. I couldn't be more proud of him, he didn't even think about getting in those weaves and he had a great start line.
I then brought Rip out. I decided to try to break it up and see where we got to. He did 1-3 really nice two times. I then went on to do the frame/weaves. He had a few really nice frame contacts but he is still slowly making his way into the contact and not driving down the frame. Andrea says that is how they can break their toes so I am worried about him with that. He missed the weave entry the first time but was able to get it the next time. He did have the issue about weaving all 6...I wonder how we will get to 12! lol. He did the dogwalk ok but his contact is a little less that what you would want, he likes to curl around and be off the side. He doesn't understand to drive straight and stay in that straight line. I then worked the jumps. The first time I sent him to 10 and did the front cross again from 11/12. Ripley completely missed 11 but did 12/13/14 beautiful. I tried all different ways to figure out what would work best for him. If I got in the correct position and he took the jump, we inveribly had at least 1 bar down :( I was very happy that he put some of the obstacles together, gave me sits (which he hates to do) and did contacts. I am still worried about these bars.
Next I moved over to the Masters Jumper ring. The course was still set and had 12 weaves in it (wow that judge was mean!) Here is what I remember of the course but not necessarily what the distances/obstacles were:

Oct 12th - at home
The dogs had a great time running around at my sister-in-laws place yesterday. I worked Baxter a bit on control and circle work. It was minimal but I think the boys had a good time just playing.
When we got home today, I decided to take Ripley out back as it has been a while since he has worked. First we started with weaves. I put the 6 poles straight today and they were all staked. I started with offside entries and Rip had no problem finding the entry, just didn't understand to go through all 6, popping out after 4. Once he got it, he did some amazing entries both onside and offside. I decided to put a jump in front of the weaves, and wow, he did it even better. Either onside or offside at any angle up to 90 degrees Rip was able to find the entry and go. I then added 2 jumps parallel to the weave poles. I had his jump both jumps and then turn into the weave entry, he did this from both sides. He was knocking the bar more than he ever missed an entry.
I then moved onto jumping. I am finding that the PVC jump that I borrowed from Andrea is not working for him. I know that sounds stupid but he almost always takes that jump down :( I just don't get it. He did keep them up during some hard stuff but really am worried about his jumping.
When we got home today, I decided to take Ripley out back as it has been a while since he has worked. First we started with weaves. I put the 6 poles straight today and they were all staked. I started with offside entries and Rip had no problem finding the entry, just didn't understand to go through all 6, popping out after 4. Once he got it, he did some amazing entries both onside and offside. I decided to put a jump in front of the weaves, and wow, he did it even better. Either onside or offside at any angle up to 90 degrees Rip was able to find the entry and go. I then added 2 jumps parallel to the weave poles. I had his jump both jumps and then turn into the weave entry, he did this from both sides. He was knocking the bar more than he ever missed an entry.
I then moved onto jumping. I am finding that the PVC jump that I borrowed from Andrea is not working for him. I know that sounds stupid but he almost always takes that jump down :( I just don't get it. He did keep them up during some hard stuff but really am worried about his jumping.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Oct 9th - at the barn
Yesterday was a rainy day so we didn't get to practice outside. I wasn't too worried about B since he did so amazing on Tue I figured he could use a break anyway. Probably true for Rip.
Tonight I headed to the barn to do an hour of practice as Andrea was still away and then an hour of class. I was being lazy and so I only took Baxter as I didn't want any barking and figured that I couldn't actually get through 2 dogs without chaos. (I know...lazy). In a way it was a good thing, it took me 15 minutes to stake in those darn weavepoles.
I found another set of sequences in an older Clean Run that I thought I would use. I figured for class I could replace the weaves with a tunnel and use them for the young group.
Here are the sequences:
Baxter's start lines were pretty good. He only moved 2 times over the session but I think he is shifting too much again. I need to think about what to do, it seems like if you give him an inch, he starts to take miles and the next thing I know...he will not hold a stay again. I just can't have that happen again.
For the first two times in sequence 1, B was not listening to my voice but might have been my body language sending him to the table instead of the weaves (those were the only two times he didn't get the entry all night!!) For his third attempt I really rotated my shoulders and he went right into the weaves.
Otherwise he ran the rest of the sequences quite nicely. He had the odd bar down and I believe he only went into the tunnel the first time on sequence 2 and otherwise did no other off courses. Overall it was a really good night with lots of success.
Tomorrow I need to get outside and work Rip. I am hoping this few days of break will have done him some good. I will work on both weaves (I don't think he is as ready as Baxter) and jumping.
Tonight I headed to the barn to do an hour of practice as Andrea was still away and then an hour of class. I was being lazy and so I only took Baxter as I didn't want any barking and figured that I couldn't actually get through 2 dogs without chaos. (I know...lazy). In a way it was a good thing, it took me 15 minutes to stake in those darn weavepoles.
I found another set of sequences in an older Clean Run that I thought I would use. I figured for class I could replace the weaves with a tunnel and use them for the young group.
Here are the sequences:

For the first two times in sequence 1, B was not listening to my voice but might have been my body language sending him to the table instead of the weaves (those were the only two times he didn't get the entry all night!!) For his third attempt I really rotated my shoulders and he went right into the weaves.
Otherwise he ran the rest of the sequences quite nicely. He had the odd bar down and I believe he only went into the tunnel the first time on sequence 2 and otherwise did no other off courses. Overall it was a really good night with lots of success.
Tomorrow I need to get outside and work Rip. I am hoping this few days of break will have done him some good. I will work on both weaves (I don't think he is as ready as Baxter) and jumping.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Oct 7th - at the barn (alone!)
So Andrea abandoned me at the barn tonight as she is away at a seminar for a few days, leaving me all on my own (do you feel guilty now?!? lol)
Anyway, I decided that I would only take B with me as I had a very short time to train and after Rip's mind blowing experience last night, I figure he could use a night off to relax. I found some sequences in Clean Run from a few years back that I thought would be easy to set up and work on the skills we have been practicing. This was also going to be the first time that I had used the weaves outside of my backyard since we started retraining them. I didn't have 2x2's there so it was a straight set of 6. I used the food tube at the end of the weaves to ensure that B kept his head down and drove straight out (Sue's really works!)
Here are the sequences:
I started with the white circles on the top left and thought, well...lets see if he can get in that entry. The first try I was standing at the left wing of 11 but Baxter did not read that to come to me and went into the tunnel. The next sequence I stood between 10-11 and used my movement to bring him with me and he read this well and never doubted where he was suppose to go. It was not a very tight serp so his first time he entered the weaves after pole 2 but I went back, re-did the serp a bit tighter with him really slicing 12 and he nailed the entry, really wrapped his body and then flew through them :) I just couldn't believe my eyes. I thought, could that have been luck, so I redid that one and he did it again! I was making such a fuss over him and what an "amazing boy" he was that the barn owner came in to see what he had done :))
I then went on to do black circles which was an easier entry but with a bit of speed coming into them and again nailed them :) Next was the white squares. In the Clean Run, the person had said to use your threadle arm to get your dog over 3 and then send into the weaves with your right arm. I thought, well why not try it. For the first time EVER....Baxter barked at me! lol. I couldn't believe it and still laugh when I think of it. He still did it perfect and got his weaves.
So since he seemed to be getting these harder entries but without a ton of speed I decided to try and get some speed going and send him straight into the weaves to see if that was something he would do and so I did the white circles on the bottom right. He did it!! :)) I was so happy with him, you couldn't have imagined.
Then I thought well lets try a threadle to the weaves, did it awesome too. So to make sure I wasn't imagining it, I did the first sequence again as our final one and he nailed it for the 3rd time! He did have a few knocked bars throughout the night but I felt that our main goal was to keep him with me/connected and weave poles, which I feel was a success.
It was an awesome night (wish Andrea had been you feel guilty yet?! lol) I guess all this work with B seems to be paying off, I am so proud of him!
Anyway, I decided that I would only take B with me as I had a very short time to train and after Rip's mind blowing experience last night, I figure he could use a night off to relax. I found some sequences in Clean Run from a few years back that I thought would be easy to set up and work on the skills we have been practicing. This was also going to be the first time that I had used the weaves outside of my backyard since we started retraining them. I didn't have 2x2's there so it was a straight set of 6. I used the food tube at the end of the weaves to ensure that B kept his head down and drove straight out (Sue's really works!)
Here are the sequences:

I then went on to do black circles which was an easier entry but with a bit of speed coming into them and again nailed them :) Next was the white squares. In the Clean Run, the person had said to use your threadle arm to get your dog over 3 and then send into the weaves with your right arm. I thought, well why not try it. For the first time EVER....Baxter barked at me! lol. I couldn't believe it and still laugh when I think of it. He still did it perfect and got his weaves.
So since he seemed to be getting these harder entries but without a ton of speed I decided to try and get some speed going and send him straight into the weaves to see if that was something he would do and so I did the white circles on the bottom right. He did it!! :)) I was so happy with him, you couldn't have imagined.
Then I thought well lets try a threadle to the weaves, did it awesome too. So to make sure I wasn't imagining it, I did the first sequence again as our final one and he nailed it for the 3rd time! He did have a few knocked bars throughout the night but I felt that our main goal was to keep him with me/connected and weave poles, which I feel was a success.
It was an awesome night (wish Andrea had been you feel guilty yet?! lol) I guess all this work with B seems to be paying off, I am so proud of him!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Oct 6th - at home
So today was Baxter's 3rd birthday, I can't believe how the time flies. He was just a puppy the last time I checked and now I realize he is a big boy and Rip is almost 18 months old...yikes.
I have started to work Abbey the terrier each night too so I have been breaking up the boys sessions from part weaving the first time they come out and part jumping the second time they come out. It worked well yesterday when I worked Ripley on some jumping (lateral distance, serp arm, moving doing the serp) so I did it again. We started with jumping as the jumps were already out from last night.
Ripley was the first to come out and he was brutal! His lateral distance wasn't going well, he was knocking bars, flanking me, not wanting to sit, barking at me...just all round frustrating :( I ended up going to my happy place and getting a good 180 out of him then put him away before he could do anything more to frustrate me.
Baxter came out and rocked! I worked on his bending over the one jump back to me. We started fairly close and worked our way back about 8' and he was bending nicely over the jump can coming back. We then did some 90's with 1 stride each way then I asked him for a bounce and he did that both ways. We then worked on 270's and he was doing them really nice, he was even almost jumping jump 2 straight instead of slicing it the way he does sometimes. I also worked on call throughs between the two jumps and threadling it, he did it great! He kept all the bars up and was jumping really nice.
I set up the weaves for the next sessions. I had the same setup as yesterday with the 6 poles with 2 angled. I brought Rip out first and started on the offside entries. He must have been having boy-brain today because he just wasn't even doing this well either. He did the 6 cookies offside, took a break and then I did the 6 onside with the straight entry into pole 1/2. He did the onside better but was a bit spun out so instead of doing each side again I did a bit of playing with him and put him away for the day. Maybe the poor guy needed a break.
Baxter rocked the weaves also. I had him do entries from all over the yard, me moving, me stationary and he only missed 1. For his second sets I decided to add a jump in front and see if I could make him make a mistake. Even though he is getting great entries I worry that with speed and coming at them straight that he will still not try to get in (and lets face it, most entries are pretty much straight in with speed). I put the jump to 16" to get him to just jump it fast (plus I don't have much room for a 26" jump and 6 weaves) and get to the weaves. I held his collar and reved him up and sent him...he entered great. I did this both from onside and offside. I then took the jump to the onside entries and kept clocking it around the entry to be 90 degrees and past even. He missed a couple at the harder entry but at least entered them and then did them right the next time. I moved the jump to offside and did a bit around the clock but had less room as I moved the poles closer to the house to get them off the track of grass that they have destroyed :)
I have started to work Abbey the terrier each night too so I have been breaking up the boys sessions from part weaving the first time they come out and part jumping the second time they come out. It worked well yesterday when I worked Ripley on some jumping (lateral distance, serp arm, moving doing the serp) so I did it again. We started with jumping as the jumps were already out from last night.
Ripley was the first to come out and he was brutal! His lateral distance wasn't going well, he was knocking bars, flanking me, not wanting to sit, barking at me...just all round frustrating :( I ended up going to my happy place and getting a good 180 out of him then put him away before he could do anything more to frustrate me.
Baxter came out and rocked! I worked on his bending over the one jump back to me. We started fairly close and worked our way back about 8' and he was bending nicely over the jump can coming back. We then did some 90's with 1 stride each way then I asked him for a bounce and he did that both ways. We then worked on 270's and he was doing them really nice, he was even almost jumping jump 2 straight instead of slicing it the way he does sometimes. I also worked on call throughs between the two jumps and threadling it, he did it great! He kept all the bars up and was jumping really nice.
I set up the weaves for the next sessions. I had the same setup as yesterday with the 6 poles with 2 angled. I brought Rip out first and started on the offside entries. He must have been having boy-brain today because he just wasn't even doing this well either. He did the 6 cookies offside, took a break and then I did the 6 onside with the straight entry into pole 1/2. He did the onside better but was a bit spun out so instead of doing each side again I did a bit of playing with him and put him away for the day. Maybe the poor guy needed a break.
Baxter rocked the weaves also. I had him do entries from all over the yard, me moving, me stationary and he only missed 1. For his second sets I decided to add a jump in front and see if I could make him make a mistake. Even though he is getting great entries I worry that with speed and coming at them straight that he will still not try to get in (and lets face it, most entries are pretty much straight in with speed). I put the jump to 16" to get him to just jump it fast (plus I don't have much room for a 26" jump and 6 weaves) and get to the weaves. I held his collar and reved him up and sent him...he entered great. I did this both from onside and offside. I then took the jump to the onside entries and kept clocking it around the entry to be 90 degrees and past even. He missed a couple at the harder entry but at least entered them and then did them right the next time. I moved the jump to offside and did a bit around the clock but had less room as I moved the poles closer to the house to get them off the track of grass that they have destroyed :)
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Oct 5th - at home
So today was Day 7 of our 12 day weave pole training. I had Rick come out to video both boys doing their weaves. I have moved to 4 straight poles and poles 1 & 2 at 1 o'clock and 7 o'clock, staked. This was Rip's first time doing 6 poles together since we started back at 2x2's. His first few times he did really nice entries, nice second set and then missing the third set all together. It took him about 5 times with me in my "happy place" before he got it. After that he did really well.
Baxter was next and because I thought he was getting caught up in the poles, we video taped him to see if I could figure out what is going on. From what I can see (as you can probably too) it looks like I am rewarding at the wrong time/too high?! He looks like he is more interested in leaping out to get the food than he is to finish weaving the way he is in the middle. I did the clips so you see in normal motion, then slow motion of the same clip. You can see he is really digging in and getting that entry nice, single striding but the exit is scary! When you look at it from the back that is almost even more scary...I wonder what other dogs look like from that angle. From Ripley's, it looks like the same way but he is smaller/skinnier so maybe that makes a difference. I have a few people looking at this video so I will update what others thought.
So Tiffany (B's grandma) thinks that the poles look great but that his hind end is interesting, lol. She doesn't think he is really getting caught up in the poles, but that once he is in the poles he is all "front wheel drive", with his back end just following along. She is seeing that he is launching into the poles with his hind end and then switching to it being pulled through the poles with the front end. She said his entries were great :)
My other friend Sue looked at it and she said that it looks as though he is flowing the arc of the treat (although she thinks I am doing a great job of throwing it low :)) She gave me the suggestion of using a food tube placed ahead of time that might help keep his head down. Though this could be construed as luring, she felt that it was no more than sending to the next piece of equipment. A target would not work as he could reward himself even if he makes a mistake. She also thought his entries were great :)
I will have to see what Andrea thinks and update that.
Baxter was next and because I thought he was getting caught up in the poles, we video taped him to see if I could figure out what is going on. From what I can see (as you can probably too) it looks like I am rewarding at the wrong time/too high?! He looks like he is more interested in leaping out to get the food than he is to finish weaving the way he is in the middle. I did the clips so you see in normal motion, then slow motion of the same clip. You can see he is really digging in and getting that entry nice, single striding but the exit is scary! When you look at it from the back that is almost even more scary...I wonder what other dogs look like from that angle. From Ripley's, it looks like the same way but he is smaller/skinnier so maybe that makes a difference. I have a few people looking at this video so I will update what others thought.
So Tiffany (B's grandma) thinks that the poles look great but that his hind end is interesting, lol. She doesn't think he is really getting caught up in the poles, but that once he is in the poles he is all "front wheel drive", with his back end just following along. She is seeing that he is launching into the poles with his hind end and then switching to it being pulled through the poles with the front end. She said his entries were great :)
My other friend Sue looked at it and she said that it looks as though he is flowing the arc of the treat (although she thinks I am doing a great job of throwing it low :)) She gave me the suggestion of using a food tube placed ahead of time that might help keep his head down. Though this could be construed as luring, she felt that it was no more than sending to the next piece of equipment. A target would not work as he could reward himself even if he makes a mistake. She also thought his entries were great :)
I will have to see what Andrea thinks and update that.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Oct 4th - at home
Well we were back at the weaves again. The ground is much drier but after we were finished the grass was pretty much all gone, yikes.
I started with B first moving the weave poles to be 4' apart, still at 1-7 angle and staked in the ground. I had 6 cookies for the first session and did offside entries. I was making him go from more of a directly looking at them angle today to see how they would do. He did only 1 error in the 6 cookies and went to his bed really nicely. I moved onto the onside entries with another 6 cookies. I was asking him to go directly at the entry, check in wrapping the pole and go through the next set. He did this nice and only had 2 errors in the 6 cookies. I decided that I would move to the next step with him so he went back in the house and I got Rip to work this angle.
Rip came out and I decided to do 3 offside and 3 onside with each session. He did the offside perfect and then only made 1 error on the onside entries. I had him sit on the bed between sessions while I broke up cookie pieces. He did another 3 off and 3 on in the next session but this time I added my movement. He had trouble with the offside and he was not coming in to 1-2 poles but flanking them. He eventually got it but I had to go to my happy place ;) He did the onside quite nicely.
I then pulled up the weaves and put them at no extra spacing in between but put them both at 1-7 angle still, staked. It was like Rip had been dying for them to go back to weave poles :) He was weaving through it great getting each of his entries on the offside side. He did have a bit of problems with onside as he was trying to wrap around pole 1 instead of entering between 1-2. I stayed in my happy place and he succeeded to do it nice. He is striding nicely though the 4 poles with his front feet. I did this in 4 sessions and then put Rip away.
Baxter came out again and I did this same setup. He did both onside and offside entries well but what I am finding is that he is still getting his backend caught up in the poles as he strides too fast with his front end. I am not seeing that all this work has helped in the way that he weaves but maybe it will still help with the entries. I think I need to get him videotaped and really watch what happens with his body.
So I decided to see if I put the whole set of 6 poles out, the final 4 totally straight what he would do. I kept 1-2 poles at the 1-7 angle still, all poles were staked. Wow, his entries were great! He didn't miss one from offside and from what I could see, he was 1 striding his front feet through but again his backend was catching poles. When I went onside I was asking for hard entries so for the odd time he would wrap pole 1 instead of entering between 1-2. Otherwise he did great on that side too.
Sooo...tomorrow I will have to talk Rick into coming outside to video tape B's weave performance. Watch for the video tomorrow :) I am also planning to work some jumps tomorrow to get that started up again. This was day 6 of the 12 for weave poles...I guess you really can teach a dog to weave in 12 days!! :))
I started with B first moving the weave poles to be 4' apart, still at 1-7 angle and staked in the ground. I had 6 cookies for the first session and did offside entries. I was making him go from more of a directly looking at them angle today to see how they would do. He did only 1 error in the 6 cookies and went to his bed really nicely. I moved onto the onside entries with another 6 cookies. I was asking him to go directly at the entry, check in wrapping the pole and go through the next set. He did this nice and only had 2 errors in the 6 cookies. I decided that I would move to the next step with him so he went back in the house and I got Rip to work this angle.
Rip came out and I decided to do 3 offside and 3 onside with each session. He did the offside perfect and then only made 1 error on the onside entries. I had him sit on the bed between sessions while I broke up cookie pieces. He did another 3 off and 3 on in the next session but this time I added my movement. He had trouble with the offside and he was not coming in to 1-2 poles but flanking them. He eventually got it but I had to go to my happy place ;) He did the onside quite nicely.
I then pulled up the weaves and put them at no extra spacing in between but put them both at 1-7 angle still, staked. It was like Rip had been dying for them to go back to weave poles :) He was weaving through it great getting each of his entries on the offside side. He did have a bit of problems with onside as he was trying to wrap around pole 1 instead of entering between 1-2. I stayed in my happy place and he succeeded to do it nice. He is striding nicely though the 4 poles with his front feet. I did this in 4 sessions and then put Rip away.
Baxter came out again and I did this same setup. He did both onside and offside entries well but what I am finding is that he is still getting his backend caught up in the poles as he strides too fast with his front end. I am not seeing that all this work has helped in the way that he weaves but maybe it will still help with the entries. I think I need to get him videotaped and really watch what happens with his body.
So I decided to see if I put the whole set of 6 poles out, the final 4 totally straight what he would do. I kept 1-2 poles at the 1-7 angle still, all poles were staked. Wow, his entries were great! He didn't miss one from offside and from what I could see, he was 1 striding his front feet through but again his backend was catching poles. When I went onside I was asking for hard entries so for the odd time he would wrap pole 1 instead of entering between 1-2. Otherwise he did great on that side too.
Sooo...tomorrow I will have to talk Rick into coming outside to video tape B's weave performance. Watch for the video tomorrow :) I am also planning to work some jumps tomorrow to get that started up again. This was day 6 of the 12 for weave poles...I guess you really can teach a dog to weave in 12 days!! :))
Oct 2nd - at the barn

So tonight at the barn we decided to see how Rip & Phe would handle some sequencing. We actually ran the white circles first. I let Andrea and Phe go first as they have already done sequencing and I wanted to watch. We had the jumps set at 26" as we are thinking both puppies round better over them. Phe had a few issues (mostly they are both not committing to the jump until they are almost in the can they both turn on a dime!). Rip came out of the crate totally spun!! I guess even though he couldn't see Phe, he knew it sounded like fun. I have never seen that dog spin like that before and I am sure if Susan was there to see this she would have killed me...spinning, flanking...what more can go wrong!
So on the white circles: His sit/stay is very crouched and he likes to angle off to the side as if he isn't going to take the jump. He did take the jump each time but missed the frame, going under it the first two times. Once he realized I wanted him to go up it (I had yet to name it so that makes it hard, lol) he went right up. He had a great contact with nice touches. The release was good into the tunnel but he did not come out tight enough from the tunnel. Redid 3-4 and was much better the second time then 5 was good. I had lots of trouble going from 6-7 though as he either wanted to cut in front/behind me to get to the frame or he would just run past 7. We have never had such a long line that he needed to run and get ahead of me to jump. He did it in the end but I felt like throwing up from all that does he make you work!
Next we did black circles: I had TONS of trouble from 1-2. If I led out to closer to 2, he would run around 1. If I stayed closer to 1, he would not make it to 2. His sit/stay crouch was not helping him with the jumping of 26" bars and hit himself a few times in the back of the legs. I moved the jumps down to 22" which seemed to help him have more confidence. From 3-4 we used a threadle arm to keep them with us past the first tunnel mouth and I was using the push through from 6-7 but helping a bit. From helping him, he was actually coming off 7 looking at the correct tunnel mouth of 8.
Last one we did was white squares: Rip understood the jump-frame this time so that went nice. He again had a nice contact and I was able to put a front cross in between 2-3. He wrapped 3 nice and went right into the tunnel. Rather than chance a front cross to the frame, we did a front cross while they were on the contact of 5. Rip ran 6-7-8 really nice, I ran the final 2 jumps without using any arms.
We ended the session with some 1 jump work which was set at 12" at one side and 26" at the other to create an angle. Rip settled down and did some nice bending work and finished off with some tugging.
Baxter actually ran these sequences in Abbey's class as Peso is still off due to that bad ball catch :( Hopefully he will be ok for this weekend and will be back in 2 weeks (he is doing a seminar all next week..lucky guy!)
We did the opposite with B, so we started with the white squares: Baxter had a nice sit/stay, did a great contact on 2 where I front crossed to 3. I also was able to get a front cross in in front of the frame so I was on his right side at the contact of 5. From 6-7 I had some issues because we had left a huge horse jump out in the arena that would be like a pinwheel to these jumps and B decided to do 6 - horse jump - 7! He was the only dog all night that even looked at that jump as if it was an option!?! So I had to really make sure not to send him out and he did 7-8 really nice. He did think about the tunnel but stayed with me. He didn't knock any bars down! :)
Next we did black circles: I had some issues with B going behind my back and up the frame! I have never had him do that to me ever and he did it 3 times :( Andrea thinks it was because once I released him from 1, I was moving latterly to 3 instead of making sure he was committed to 2. Once I stayed in place and had committment, he did it great. He had a hard time staying on my threadle arm to 4 but did it. He did the 5-6-7 pretty good but was going into the wrong tunnel mouth for 8. Andrea said I needed to not move as much, making sure I get him watching me and not just running ahead. I then worked on him taking 7 and coming back to tunnel :)
Last we did the white circles: B did this one really well, good contact but again went out to the horse jump. Darn dog. He came out of the tunnel at a really nice angle though so I was happy.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sept 30th - at the barn
Today was all about Ripley :) or as Andrea says it was all about me :)) You gotta love when that happens, lol. Poor Peso had a bit of a mishap trying to catch a ball at 10' high so Andrea left both him and Phe at home. I decided to work Rip first and in the end, we just didn't have time for B either.
We started with the 3 jump set up that we did with the big boys last Thursday to see how Rip read the serps, threadles and push throughs. Well let me tell you...we never got past the serps! I learned lots today and have lots of things to do for homework. If I stood at the far post of the 2nd jump, Ripley would not take jump 1 instead he would come into jump 2. Even if he focused forward to jump 1!! I need to work on lateral distance to a jump for sure. When he did take that jump he has some issues keeping jump 2 up when he was jumping into me. We worked just that jump 2 stepping towards jump 3 feeding with that hand and he did better. We worked on this serp work for 3 sessions. ** Ripley was definitely flanking me during these exercises, need to watch that.
We then moved on to teeter work. Rip did 2 bangs on each side, starting with it from his left shoulder. He jumped up, nailed the drop and did some great touches. When I moved to his right shoulder we noticed that he would put his front up to push the teeter down but would not jump up that way (strange! something I am not sure if we should be watching or not). We then went right to him doing a full teeter. He is driving really nice up to the end and nailing his contact. I started with him on my right, moved to my left and when I went back to my right he seemed to be jumping off at the bottom or not able to stick the same way. Will keep our eye on that.
We moved on to the frame after that. He did the frame really well for a few times, sometimes releasing to a jump ahead, a jump to the side or just to my side. His final frame Andrea noticed that he was taking too many strides to get up and down. We are going to keep an eye on this too but feel that he will not do this for long. He is one fast boy and we are sure that he will be very drivey. On his final frame we allowed him to turn away into the tunnel. At the end he even waited for us to talk while he sat in front of the tunnel but didn't choose to go in without being told :) I was very proud of that.
To Do List
- work lateral distance to a jump
- work the serp into my space
- ensure he doesn't flank me
- watch his teeter and frame
We started with the 3 jump set up that we did with the big boys last Thursday to see how Rip read the serps, threadles and push throughs. Well let me tell you...we never got past the serps! I learned lots today and have lots of things to do for homework. If I stood at the far post of the 2nd jump, Ripley would not take jump 1 instead he would come into jump 2. Even if he focused forward to jump 1!! I need to work on lateral distance to a jump for sure. When he did take that jump he has some issues keeping jump 2 up when he was jumping into me. We worked just that jump 2 stepping towards jump 3 feeding with that hand and he did better. We worked on this serp work for 3 sessions. ** Ripley was definitely flanking me during these exercises, need to watch that.
We then moved on to teeter work. Rip did 2 bangs on each side, starting with it from his left shoulder. He jumped up, nailed the drop and did some great touches. When I moved to his right shoulder we noticed that he would put his front up to push the teeter down but would not jump up that way (strange! something I am not sure if we should be watching or not). We then went right to him doing a full teeter. He is driving really nice up to the end and nailing his contact. I started with him on my right, moved to my left and when I went back to my right he seemed to be jumping off at the bottom or not able to stick the same way. Will keep our eye on that.
We moved on to the frame after that. He did the frame really well for a few times, sometimes releasing to a jump ahead, a jump to the side or just to my side. His final frame Andrea noticed that he was taking too many strides to get up and down. We are going to keep an eye on this too but feel that he will not do this for long. He is one fast boy and we are sure that he will be very drivey. On his final frame we allowed him to turn away into the tunnel. At the end he even waited for us to talk while he sat in front of the tunnel but didn't choose to go in without being told :) I was very proud of that.
To Do List
- work lateral distance to a jump
- work the serp into my space
- ensure he doesn't flank me
- watch his teeter and frame
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sept 29th - at home
Well we were back to working 2x2 weaves again today. I moved the 2 bases to be about 6' apart, both staked in the ground. I used white milkbone cookies for treats for both boys.
I added movement today to see where we were at. Ripley actually did awesome with me running either up to the entry area and also away from the entry. He had very limited mistakes today and did some really hard entries with speed. He did not have a favoring side tonight, so that is awesome. He was equal on both onside and offside entries.
I also added movement to B's training today. I ping ponged back and forth of whether to move or stay stationary. He actually did quite well with the movement, not flanking the poles at all today. On his final session I moved from onside to offside and back again. When I did that he had a harder time going to the offside entry as he didn't go around and wrap back. I went to my "happy place" and let him figure it out. At least he didn't do a impaling type leap through them...that's an improvement :) In between Baxter worked on control with his bed.

You can see how the dogs are really digging in and wrapping around that first pole when you look at my poor grass. I am pretty sure the next time Rick goes out to cut the grass he will not be impressed at the ruts along the middle of our back yard :)
I added movement today to see where we were at. Ripley actually did awesome with me running either up to the entry area and also away from the entry. He had very limited mistakes today and did some really hard entries with speed. He did not have a favoring side tonight, so that is awesome. He was equal on both onside and offside entries.
I also added movement to B's training today. I ping ponged back and forth of whether to move or stay stationary. He actually did quite well with the movement, not flanking the poles at all today. On his final session I moved from onside to offside and back again. When I did that he had a harder time going to the offside entry as he didn't go around and wrap back. I went to my "happy place" and let him figure it out. At least he didn't do a impaling type leap through them...that's an improvement :) In between Baxter worked on control with his bed.
You can see how the dogs are really digging in and wrapping around that first pole when you look at my poor grass. I am pretty sure the next time Rick goes out to cut the grass he will not be impressed at the ruts along the middle of our back yard :)
Sept 27 & 28 - training on the road
So this weekend we did not get a chance to do any 2x2 weave pole work in the backyard as it was very busy. On Saturday, I took Ripley and my wire fox terrier Abbey to a Dock Diving fun match. I spent a lot of time working on the "It's Yer Choice" game while going to the line up. I also worked a lot of wait/stays. He was a very good boy and also did well in the dock diving ;)
Sunday we headed to Caledon for the Energizer Disc Series with Baxter and Ripley. While registration was happening I used Dawn's agility field to work Baxter on his control and some 1 jump work. He was showing an awesome wait, did some great jumping. I also had his bed there and another person was working their dog on the equipment while he remained calm! They even did the teeter, weaves and a jump that was less than 3' away from his bed!! I was very happy with him. I also used his bed prior to his rounds in disc and I could really see a difference in him (no barking like a fool :))
Ripley also did some control work and the "It's Yer Choice" game at the disc trial. He is still not great at staying with me at my side when there are more exciting things happening like disc. He also did great at the trial earning the Reserve Champion title after the 2 trials :)
Sunday we headed to Caledon for the Energizer Disc Series with Baxter and Ripley. While registration was happening I used Dawn's agility field to work Baxter on his control and some 1 jump work. He was showing an awesome wait, did some great jumping. I also had his bed there and another person was working their dog on the equipment while he remained calm! They even did the teeter, weaves and a jump that was less than 3' away from his bed!! I was very happy with him. I also used his bed prior to his rounds in disc and I could really see a difference in him (no barking like a fool :))
Ripley also did some control work and the "It's Yer Choice" game at the disc trial. He is still not great at staying with me at my side when there are more exciting things happening like disc. He also did great at the trial earning the Reserve Champion title after the 2 trials :)
Friday, September 26, 2008
Sept 26th - at home
So I took the boys into the backyard again tonight to work on weaves. I am only working very hard entries with both boys so hopefully after all this training they both have good weaves?!? I put the 2 sets at 8' apart tonight at the 1-7 angle for both, staked.
I started with offside weaves with Rip today because that seemed to be harder for him. He was still trying to weave backwards on the first set so I went to my "happy place" and waited him out to figure out what I wanted. He actually did! He did 3 sets of offside weaves and had some great success. His onside weaves are great now! He is able to nail the entry and wrap tight from about 12' back even :) Such a good boy. I find using food that he is not looking up now so that is also great.
I started B on the onside weaves as that is his new challenge. He wants to go to the second set and when that doesn't earn him his reward he does some stupid scary jumping through poles. I had to make it a bit easier (as I have a hard time going to a "happy place" when I think he is going to impale himself). Once he got the first one he did all the rest great! He wrapped the pole awesome but did seem to be doing a bit of a jump through the second set. He isn't looking up but I still think he isn't doing it perfect.
Offside B is a superstar. I can't believe how he knows to go to the very first set, go past, wrap back and drive through. He can do that from anywhere now so I started to add more movement. He found that a challenge as he HATES to be close to me. We had some success so we stopped at that.
Tomorrow I think I will do weaves and some jump work. That of course depends on it not raining like they are forecasting. I can't believe how quickly the boys have killed the grass back there!!
I started with offside weaves with Rip today because that seemed to be harder for him. He was still trying to weave backwards on the first set so I went to my "happy place" and waited him out to figure out what I wanted. He actually did! He did 3 sets of offside weaves and had some great success. His onside weaves are great now! He is able to nail the entry and wrap tight from about 12' back even :) Such a good boy. I find using food that he is not looking up now so that is also great.
I started B on the onside weaves as that is his new challenge. He wants to go to the second set and when that doesn't earn him his reward he does some stupid scary jumping through poles. I had to make it a bit easier (as I have a hard time going to a "happy place" when I think he is going to impale himself). Once he got the first one he did all the rest great! He wrapped the pole awesome but did seem to be doing a bit of a jump through the second set. He isn't looking up but I still think he isn't doing it perfect.
Offside B is a superstar. I can't believe how he knows to go to the very first set, go past, wrap back and drive through. He can do that from anywhere now so I started to add more movement. He found that a challenge as he HATES to be close to me. We had some success so we stopped at that.
Tomorrow I think I will do weaves and some jump work. That of course depends on it not raining like they are forecasting. I can't believe how quickly the boys have killed the grass back there!!
Sept 25th - at home
I couldn't be outdone by Andrea ;) and she was working her guys on the weaves before heading to the barn so I decided to head outside and do some weaves with the boys as well.
I was originally only going to work B and put in a second set of weave poles 12' apart from the first set. Post sets were angled at 1 and 7 and were staked. I used white milkbone cookies again. In the end I did both Baxter and Ripley as Rip was in the house screaming to get out to play. I kept the setup the same for both boys (lazy on my part) plus I felt we needed to try something different with Rip.
Session 1: Started with onside again
4' - went to the second set of poles the first time, correct
6' - correct
8' - correct
10' - went to the second set again, correct, correct
** he was definitely wrapping the first set the tightest I have seen him do and was driving to the second set!! Very happy about that
Session 2: Offside entries
Baxter drove right back from 6, 10, 12, 14 and 18' to the first set, checked up, wrapped and drove the line to the second set.
Session 3: Back to onside
Baxter drove back to the first set from 6, 10, 12' wrapped nice and drove the line. When I moved to 18' he went to the second set 2x's but then did a final one perfect.
Session 4: 5 cookies left
I did 2 offside weave entries from 18' and 24', I was very happy with his performance/understanding of what I was asking of him. I did 4 onside entries, 12' correct, moved to 18' and the first two times he went to the second set but finished with 2 perfect ones from 18' back!
So the second set of weave poles has definitely helped in his bending around the first set of poles from onside. Tomorrow I plan to do the same angle but move the second set in to 8-10' apart.
What a difference having the poles at 1 & 7 was for little Rip today!
Session 1: Did onside entries first since this used to be his he is better here!
6' - went to second set 2 times, correct, correct
8' - correct 2x's
9' - correct
Session 2: Offside entries - now the new challenge!
Rip was not understanding offside today and was not driving past pole 1 and wrapping it but instead going from 2 to 1 the wrong way.
3' - 3 wrong, 1 correct each time for a total of 5 cookies :(
Session 3: Stayed on offside entries
3' - 5 correct, 2 wrong in the session
Session 4: Stayed on offside again
3' - correct, wrong, correct
4' - 2 wrong, correct
5' - correct, correct
Session 5: Went back to onside with 3 cookies left
18' - correct 3 times in a row.
So it seems that with the poles angled that he understood the onside entry better. He understands that he needs to enter with his left shoulder but doesn't understand that he is suppose to be driving to the second poles when offside entries were used. I am going to move the second set of poles closer tonight so maybe he will start to see the direction she is suppose to go. I am kind of glad that he is getting the onside though.
I was originally only going to work B and put in a second set of weave poles 12' apart from the first set. Post sets were angled at 1 and 7 and were staked. I used white milkbone cookies again. In the end I did both Baxter and Ripley as Rip was in the house screaming to get out to play. I kept the setup the same for both boys (lazy on my part) plus I felt we needed to try something different with Rip.
Session 1: Started with onside again
4' - went to the second set of poles the first time, correct
6' - correct
8' - correct
10' - went to the second set again, correct, correct
** he was definitely wrapping the first set the tightest I have seen him do and was driving to the second set!! Very happy about that
Session 2: Offside entries
Baxter drove right back from 6, 10, 12, 14 and 18' to the first set, checked up, wrapped and drove the line to the second set.
Session 3: Back to onside
Baxter drove back to the first set from 6, 10, 12' wrapped nice and drove the line. When I moved to 18' he went to the second set 2x's but then did a final one perfect.
Session 4: 5 cookies left
I did 2 offside weave entries from 18' and 24', I was very happy with his performance/understanding of what I was asking of him. I did 4 onside entries, 12' correct, moved to 18' and the first two times he went to the second set but finished with 2 perfect ones from 18' back!
So the second set of weave poles has definitely helped in his bending around the first set of poles from onside. Tomorrow I plan to do the same angle but move the second set in to 8-10' apart.
What a difference having the poles at 1 & 7 was for little Rip today!
Session 1: Did onside entries first since this used to be his he is better here!
6' - went to second set 2 times, correct, correct
8' - correct 2x's
9' - correct
Session 2: Offside entries - now the new challenge!
Rip was not understanding offside today and was not driving past pole 1 and wrapping it but instead going from 2 to 1 the wrong way.
3' - 3 wrong, 1 correct each time for a total of 5 cookies :(
Session 3: Stayed on offside entries
3' - 5 correct, 2 wrong in the session
Session 4: Stayed on offside again
3' - correct, wrong, correct
4' - 2 wrong, correct
5' - correct, correct
Session 5: Went back to onside with 3 cookies left
18' - correct 3 times in a row.
So it seems that with the poles angled that he understood the onside entry better. He understands that he needs to enter with his left shoulder but doesn't understand that he is suppose to be driving to the second poles when offside entries were used. I am going to move the second set of poles closer tonight so maybe he will start to see the direction she is suppose to go. I am kind of glad that he is getting the onside though.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Sept 25th - at the barn
Another night at the barn with the boys. It was soo hot in there tonight but at least after 4 hours were weren't frozen human popsicles, lol.
Rip & Phe
Session 1: Hand Touches. Ripley did not do as well tonight with his hand touches. He got frustrated really fast and did more biting than touching. I did eventually get the 5 I wanted but my poor hand suffered for it ;)
Session 2: It's Yer Choice with Andrea being Goofy. I was very proud of the little man on this one. Andrea (like I did to Phe) really tried to entice Rip to go see her. It took him 4 tries to understand that he wasn't getting what he wanted without giving me what I wanted. After he realized, no matter what Andrea did, he was focused on me. At first I thought maybe I was luring him with the food though it was in my opposite hand but when the food went away he still remained with me.
Session 3: Set Point with Hoop at 16-22-26-22-16. Rip did the first 2 nicely but when it came to the 26" height he went around but I was able to beat him to the cookie. I reset him back up and he did it perfect the next time. Overall it went nicely.
Session 4: Nothing But Net using the Bench and a couple of cookies. We started with the cookies about 5' away from the bench and moved it a foot closer each time. I wasn't really sure he knew they were there as he didn't even think to go for the cookie but Andrea was sure he was looking out of the corner of his eye. We think that next time a toy would be a much more rewarding object than the cookie so we will see if he can work though that.
Session 5: Tight Turn One Jump. Rip has such a nice tight turn. We made him stretch more and did not reward ok ones, they had to be tight. I worked back to about 6' with him going out and turning back nice.
Session 6: Teeter. I am so proud of Rip-roar :) We started with teeter bangs and he just doesn't stick them the way Phe can. Phe had gone first and did amazing bangs with the teeter 2 1/2 feet off the ground...never thinks about anything but nailing the contact. Then she did the teeter, beautiful. When Rip did the bangs, sometimes his back end would fly off and he would swing back to get it on. We decided to try a full teeter anyway with Andrea bringing it down to help. He did the first nice then she helped but allowed it to bang the next time, still good drive down and maintained his bottom. We did a full one and he was awesome! We did one more to confirm that it didn't scare him and he drove it down again and maintained his bottom. YAY!
Session 7: Restrained Recalls. Did I ever mention this dog was suppose to be a flyball dog?! He has the most amazing restrained recalls and nails his tuggie. I am so glad he is doing well in agility these days but I can see why the rest of his litter are flyball superstars :)
Overall this was an awesome training session. Both Rip and Phe were on tonight and did not waste any time getting through all this in less than an hour! Gotta love those little dogs.
Baxter & Peso
Session 1: Set Point with Hoop at 16-22-26-22-16. Baxter did this nice. He maintained his sit/stays really nicely and I did minimal bouncing back for rewards.
Session 2: Tight Turn One Jump. Baxter just can't turn well off his right lead :( I started very close to the jump and we raked the dirt to know where his paws were landing. He literally jumps the jump at a diagonal and then after landing thinks about turning. He actually turned left and went around the far end of the jump!! omg. We worked him on this and he definitely improved though. Once he realized what we wanted. The problem that I am starting to see (good thing for doing notes) is that if I don't reward what he gives me, he tries to find other things to give me instead of maybe making it tighter. He couldn't do this with any type of speed.
Session 3: Nothing But Net Teeter - move tunnel closer and closer to end. This was a fun exercise. He had a hard time maintaining a sit/stay as the two most fun things were right in front of him. But he did do it and only needed minimal correction. He bit the tunnel the first time (with Andrea risking life and limb jumping in front of him unsuccesfully, lol). He realized and did a great job. Oh I am lying, we let him go through it when it was 1' away and the next time he just went through it :) Went back and he maintained his stay for the last one.
Session 4: 3 Jump Serp, Threadle, Push Through. It took me 2 tries to get in the right position for the serp. First time I went too fast and had my threadle arm up too early. The next time he was a bit of a butt head but I was right. The third time was beautiful :) I was close to the jump line and he did it so nice and tight. The Push Through was a bit of a challenge as he was coming into it with speed but after a few tries to see where I needed to be, he did it perfect. The threadle he took jump 2 the first time but I gave him too much speed into jump 1. The next time he came back through very nicely between both jumps. The jumps were set 3' apart from each other only.
Rip & Phe
Session 1: Hand Touches. Ripley did not do as well tonight with his hand touches. He got frustrated really fast and did more biting than touching. I did eventually get the 5 I wanted but my poor hand suffered for it ;)
Session 2: It's Yer Choice with Andrea being Goofy. I was very proud of the little man on this one. Andrea (like I did to Phe) really tried to entice Rip to go see her. It took him 4 tries to understand that he wasn't getting what he wanted without giving me what I wanted. After he realized, no matter what Andrea did, he was focused on me. At first I thought maybe I was luring him with the food though it was in my opposite hand but when the food went away he still remained with me.
Session 3: Set Point with Hoop at 16-22-26-22-16. Rip did the first 2 nicely but when it came to the 26" height he went around but I was able to beat him to the cookie. I reset him back up and he did it perfect the next time. Overall it went nicely.
Session 4: Nothing But Net using the Bench and a couple of cookies. We started with the cookies about 5' away from the bench and moved it a foot closer each time. I wasn't really sure he knew they were there as he didn't even think to go for the cookie but Andrea was sure he was looking out of the corner of his eye. We think that next time a toy would be a much more rewarding object than the cookie so we will see if he can work though that.
Session 5: Tight Turn One Jump. Rip has such a nice tight turn. We made him stretch more and did not reward ok ones, they had to be tight. I worked back to about 6' with him going out and turning back nice.
Session 6: Teeter. I am so proud of Rip-roar :) We started with teeter bangs and he just doesn't stick them the way Phe can. Phe had gone first and did amazing bangs with the teeter 2 1/2 feet off the ground...never thinks about anything but nailing the contact. Then she did the teeter, beautiful. When Rip did the bangs, sometimes his back end would fly off and he would swing back to get it on. We decided to try a full teeter anyway with Andrea bringing it down to help. He did the first nice then she helped but allowed it to bang the next time, still good drive down and maintained his bottom. We did a full one and he was awesome! We did one more to confirm that it didn't scare him and he drove it down again and maintained his bottom. YAY!
Session 7: Restrained Recalls. Did I ever mention this dog was suppose to be a flyball dog?! He has the most amazing restrained recalls and nails his tuggie. I am so glad he is doing well in agility these days but I can see why the rest of his litter are flyball superstars :)
Overall this was an awesome training session. Both Rip and Phe were on tonight and did not waste any time getting through all this in less than an hour! Gotta love those little dogs.
Baxter & Peso
Session 1: Set Point with Hoop at 16-22-26-22-16. Baxter did this nice. He maintained his sit/stays really nicely and I did minimal bouncing back for rewards.
Session 2: Tight Turn One Jump. Baxter just can't turn well off his right lead :( I started very close to the jump and we raked the dirt to know where his paws were landing. He literally jumps the jump at a diagonal and then after landing thinks about turning. He actually turned left and went around the far end of the jump!! omg. We worked him on this and he definitely improved though. Once he realized what we wanted. The problem that I am starting to see (good thing for doing notes) is that if I don't reward what he gives me, he tries to find other things to give me instead of maybe making it tighter. He couldn't do this with any type of speed.
Session 3: Nothing But Net Teeter - move tunnel closer and closer to end. This was a fun exercise. He had a hard time maintaining a sit/stay as the two most fun things were right in front of him. But he did do it and only needed minimal correction. He bit the tunnel the first time (with Andrea risking life and limb jumping in front of him unsuccesfully, lol). He realized and did a great job. Oh I am lying, we let him go through it when it was 1' away and the next time he just went through it :) Went back and he maintained his stay for the last one.
Session 4: 3 Jump Serp, Threadle, Push Through. It took me 2 tries to get in the right position for the serp. First time I went too fast and had my threadle arm up too early. The next time he was a bit of a butt head but I was right. The third time was beautiful :) I was close to the jump line and he did it so nice and tight. The Push Through was a bit of a challenge as he was coming into it with speed but after a few tries to see where I needed to be, he did it perfect. The threadle he took jump 2 the first time but I gave him too much speed into jump 1. The next time he came back through very nicely between both jumps. The jumps were set 3' apart from each other only.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sept 24th - at home
Tonight we worked on 2x2 weaves again. I used white milkbone cookies again. I also kept the weave poles in the same position as 2 nights ago. My neighbour Sabrina was nice enough to do my record keeping for me so I have more accurate stats on what the boys actually did ;) I think I need her all the time or else I will be outside for hours writing after each one. Ripley was a complete challenge today, not really understanding why I would want him to go around an open pair when he knows how to weave and would go along the weave line.

Session 1: I worked offside entries first (next time, I think I will start with onside)
3' - correct
5' - 3 wrong
moved to 4' - correct
5' - correct
8' - correct
Session 2: Moved to onside entries
3' - 4 wrong, 1 correct
4' - 7 wrong
moved to 3' - correct
4' - 5 wrong, 1 correct
5' - 2 wrong, 1 correct
Session 3: Moved back to offside (for his sanity and mine!!)
3' - correct
5' - correct
8' - wide, correct, wide
Session 4: Onside again
3' - 4 wrong
moved to 2' - 2 correct
3' - 4 wrong, 1 correct, 4 wrong, 1 correct, 1 wrong, 1 correct
What I am finding is that he is super fast and takes off to do it but was coming back frustrated and barking to take off and do it wrong again. I did not rev him up before sending as he is reved up by himself! He went onto his bed in between sessions and relaxed on it. He does not move until released and seems happy to just lay there.
Today was much more successful for B! It was a nice treat after the spazy black guy before him, lol. Baxter also used his bed between sessions and drives right to it.
Session 1: I started him onside as this seems to be both boys issue!
2' - bit wide but correct
4' - wide no treat, wrong, correct
6' - correct, correct
9' - correct
Session 2: Moved to offside
6', 8', 10', 12' and 14' - all correct on the first try, great drive up, checking and wrapping the first pole then driving down the reward line.
Session 3: Back to onside
6' - correct
8' - wide no treat, did the impaling jump backwards the next 2 times (yikes!!)
moved back to 6' - 3 correct
8' - correct
Session 4: Stayed onside
6' - correct
8' - correct
10' - wide no treat, 3 correct (but all 3 were a bit wide but I still treated)
Session 5: 2 offside, 2 onside to end the night
12' offside - 2 correct
12' onside - jumped backwards, wrong, 2 correct (both a little bit wide)
So as you can see, Baxter had some really good improvements. I need to figure out how to get him to wrap pole 2 from the onside position though, maybe putting a second set of 2 poles there will help him to drive around the pole and go forward to the next? Need to see what Andrea thinks when I see her at the barn tomorrow.

Session 1: I worked offside entries first (next time, I think I will start with onside)
3' - correct
5' - 3 wrong
moved to 4' - correct
5' - correct
8' - correct
Session 2: Moved to onside entries
3' - 4 wrong, 1 correct
4' - 7 wrong
moved to 3' - correct
4' - 5 wrong, 1 correct
5' - 2 wrong, 1 correct
Session 3: Moved back to offside (for his sanity and mine!!)
3' - correct
5' - correct
8' - wide, correct, wide
Session 4: Onside again
3' - 4 wrong
moved to 2' - 2 correct
3' - 4 wrong, 1 correct, 4 wrong, 1 correct, 1 wrong, 1 correct
What I am finding is that he is super fast and takes off to do it but was coming back frustrated and barking to take off and do it wrong again. I did not rev him up before sending as he is reved up by himself! He went onto his bed in between sessions and relaxed on it. He does not move until released and seems happy to just lay there.
Today was much more successful for B! It was a nice treat after the spazy black guy before him, lol. Baxter also used his bed between sessions and drives right to it.
Session 1: I started him onside as this seems to be both boys issue!
2' - bit wide but correct
4' - wide no treat, wrong, correct
6' - correct, correct
9' - correct
Session 2: Moved to offside
6', 8', 10', 12' and 14' - all correct on the first try, great drive up, checking and wrapping the first pole then driving down the reward line.
Session 3: Back to onside
6' - correct
8' - wide no treat, did the impaling jump backwards the next 2 times (yikes!!)
moved back to 6' - 3 correct
8' - correct
Session 4: Stayed onside
6' - correct
8' - correct
10' - wide no treat, 3 correct (but all 3 were a bit wide but I still treated)
Session 5: 2 offside, 2 onside to end the night
12' offside - 2 correct
12' onside - jumped backwards, wrong, 2 correct (both a little bit wide)
So as you can see, Baxter had some really good improvements. I need to figure out how to get him to wrap pole 2 from the onside position though, maybe putting a second set of 2 poles there will help him to drive around the pole and go forward to the next? Need to see what Andrea thinks when I see her at the barn tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sept 23rd - at the barn
Back at the barn tonight with Andrea, Phoenix, Peso, Ripley and Baxter. We train the puppies, Ripley & Phoenix, (who are now getting too old to be called "puppies") together and we train the big boys, Baxter & Peso, together.
Phoenix & Ripley
Session 1: 5 hand touches, feed with motion, send to crate and reward in crate, release 5 hand touches, send to crate and reward, release 5 more touches send to crate.
Ripley did this great! I couldn't believe how good he actually did the hand touches without trying to bite me (long story but it is something he has done since a pup). I think he liked that I was moving away from him for the time for biting :)
Session 2: It's Your Choice Game - using Andrea as Ripley's distraction. It only took Rip 3 times of being backed up to realize he had to walk beside me to get where he wanted to go. We were able to walk right up and past Andrea without him leaving my side or looking away. We did this 3 times and then walked right up to her where he sat down. I released him to say hi and then he recalled right back to me. We did this 2 times...very nice!
Session 3: Set Point Work with Spread Jump 16-22-26-22-16. Ripley did the 16 & 22 quite nicely. Andrea thought we should move him back as he was coming off the first jump short, when we did that for the 26" jump he landed even shorter and then crashed (and I mean crashed!) the 26" jump and landed in a heap. We moved him back to his original start position and he jumped it nice again. I was a bit worried about him being afraid as that was the way he used to be but was very brave and didn't think twice.
Session 4: Greg Derrett two jump front cross (basically wraping two jumps back and forth), once each side. Rip did well on this and wrapped the jumps very close. He did knock some bars and I need to really watch my movement while he is over the jump. Will actually have to work on teaching him that he needs to keep the bars up even if I do move (I have a feeling not moving will be hard for me...he is so fast)
Session5: Greg Derrett three jump front cross (basically front cross in pinwheel) moving second jump closer to third on each rep, dog on left and then on right. This was a bit of a disaster! This was Rip's first time actually putting 3 jumps together and he had a hard time focusing on the first jump when he could see the second one. Once I got him over the first two I was not making the front cross properly and he was either taking down jump 2 or 3. Andrea kept saying I was late and tried to que me for when to turn but still had problems. We moved to just doing jump 1 & 2 to see if my movement was the reason for the bar coming down. Nope...not me, he still took number 2 down! :( Andrea then tried to run him to see if it was me but she had the same issues. She said compared to Phe that he was more vibrating...yes, that is the perfect way to describe this crazy boy. We ended with one good one.
Peso & Baxter
Session 1: Set Point work with Spread 16-22-26-22-16. Baxter did this well. He maintained his stay for all 5 with me bouncing back and forth on when the reinforcement and release would come.
Session 2: Nothing but Net with Dogwalk with 2 distractions. I used a bowl with cookies at end of dog walk for the first one. We started with it about 6' away and you should have seen B's eyes! They were huge when he saw the cookies in front of him. He still nailed his position and released to me but really really thought about beating Andrea to the bowl of cookies!! (Sadly, I didn't beat Peso to the bowl and he got a few on his first turn (sorry Andrea!!!) but at least I beat him when it was right in front of him :)) We moved it to 4' away, 2' away, then right beside him. He did all great. We then moved to a ball thrown ahead while he went into position, no movement and then a ball thrown while he was on the downramp. He still stuck his position so I was very happy with him. He did need a few reminders to walk "with me" on the way back and bit the dust on a couple of tunnel discriminations :(
Session 3: Greg Derret 3 jump f/c on left and on right. Baxter did this really well. I am starting to get the correct timing for him at the take off/commitment point. He had nice tight turns to jump number 3.
Phoenix & Ripley
Session 1: 5 hand touches, feed with motion, send to crate and reward in crate, release 5 hand touches, send to crate and reward, release 5 more touches send to crate.
Ripley did this great! I couldn't believe how good he actually did the hand touches without trying to bite me (long story but it is something he has done since a pup). I think he liked that I was moving away from him for the time for biting :)
Session 2: It's Your Choice Game - using Andrea as Ripley's distraction. It only took Rip 3 times of being backed up to realize he had to walk beside me to get where he wanted to go. We were able to walk right up and past Andrea without him leaving my side or looking away. We did this 3 times and then walked right up to her where he sat down. I released him to say hi and then he recalled right back to me. We did this 2 times...very nice!
Session 3: Set Point Work with Spread Jump 16-22-26-22-16. Ripley did the 16 & 22 quite nicely. Andrea thought we should move him back as he was coming off the first jump short, when we did that for the 26" jump he landed even shorter and then crashed (and I mean crashed!) the 26" jump and landed in a heap. We moved him back to his original start position and he jumped it nice again. I was a bit worried about him being afraid as that was the way he used to be but was very brave and didn't think twice.
Session 4: Greg Derrett two jump front cross (basically wraping two jumps back and forth), once each side. Rip did well on this and wrapped the jumps very close. He did knock some bars and I need to really watch my movement while he is over the jump. Will actually have to work on teaching him that he needs to keep the bars up even if I do move (I have a feeling not moving will be hard for me...he is so fast)
Session5: Greg Derrett three jump front cross (basically front cross in pinwheel) moving second jump closer to third on each rep, dog on left and then on right. This was a bit of a disaster! This was Rip's first time actually putting 3 jumps together and he had a hard time focusing on the first jump when he could see the second one. Once I got him over the first two I was not making the front cross properly and he was either taking down jump 2 or 3. Andrea kept saying I was late and tried to que me for when to turn but still had problems. We moved to just doing jump 1 & 2 to see if my movement was the reason for the bar coming down. Nope...not me, he still took number 2 down! :( Andrea then tried to run him to see if it was me but she had the same issues. She said compared to Phe that he was more vibrating...yes, that is the perfect way to describe this crazy boy. We ended with one good one.
Peso & Baxter
Session 1: Set Point work with Spread 16-22-26-22-16. Baxter did this well. He maintained his stay for all 5 with me bouncing back and forth on when the reinforcement and release would come.
Session 2: Nothing but Net with Dogwalk with 2 distractions. I used a bowl with cookies at end of dog walk for the first one. We started with it about 6' away and you should have seen B's eyes! They were huge when he saw the cookies in front of him. He still nailed his position and released to me but really really thought about beating Andrea to the bowl of cookies!! (Sadly, I didn't beat Peso to the bowl and he got a few on his first turn (sorry Andrea!!!) but at least I beat him when it was right in front of him :)) We moved it to 4' away, 2' away, then right beside him. He did all great. We then moved to a ball thrown ahead while he went into position, no movement and then a ball thrown while he was on the downramp. He still stuck his position so I was very happy with him. He did need a few reminders to walk "with me" on the way back and bit the dust on a couple of tunnel discriminations :(
Session 3: Greg Derret 3 jump f/c on left and on right. Baxter did this really well. I am starting to get the correct timing for him at the take off/commitment point. He had nice tight turns to jump number 3.
Sept 22nd - at home
Tonight we started our 2x2 work. Even though Rip is keeping low and has a nice striding weave pole (as you can see by his video :)), I feel that I rushed his 2x2's and he may not fully understand to get the entry every time. For this reason, I am starting back at the start with him also.
I decided to use white milkbone cookies for his treats and break them into 3 small pieces. I took a total of 5 pieces for each working session so that I did not work too long in a session.
Equipment: I used only 1 set of weave poles set at 1&7 staked.
Session 1: Working him on the offside portion of the circle. He had 5 successes in a row on this side. Each time we moved back a foot, his final one was at least 5' back from the weaves, he drove up and around the weave pole staying on the throw line, keeping his head down and tight to the poles. (I must admit, I was super thrilled with this and thought maybe he had got it!! lol)
Session 2: Moved to the onside portion of the circle. He got the entry with a fairly tight turn around pole 2 from 1' and 2' back. Once we got to 3' back he was running straight threw the poles to go the opposite of the reward line. No reward. Tried again, this time same thing but leaping through the poles (so scary), no reward. Moved back to 2' go it again but a bit wide on the turn around pole 2. Kept at 2' for next 2 to reward the tighter turn.
Session 3: Stayed on the onside portion of the circle. Started at 1' and 2' again. Did get one 3' one but he is definitely not turning around pole 2 as we would like. He did 2 times of going out to nearly the poles and then turning back along the reward line without having gone through any poles. Will have to talk to Andrea about idea's at the barn tomorrow. Kept at 2' for last 2 to get tighter turn.
Session 4: Did 3 cookies on off side, again he is much better from this side. 3 cookies onside, still no further back than 2-3'.
In between each session we worked on his bed. He drives to it and will maintain it while I get cookies ready for his next session.
I also used white milkbone cookies for his treats. I took a total of 5 pieces for each working session so that I did not work too long in a session.
Equipment: I used only 1 set of weave poles set at fully open 3-9 and not staked.
First I actually worked Ripley on his bed (my neighbour was dogsitting and found one in our back shed! I didn't even know we had one so now Rip has his own already, lol) It only took him one working session to know that the best treats come on the bed. He maintained his stay in between sessions on his bed while I broke up his cookies.
Session 1: I started Rip within the top portion of the circle to ensure he remembered to run straight through and along the line. I did 5 cookies along the circle, he drove straight through the poles expecting his treat on the line and down. He was originally taught with treats as the toy was just too high for him.
Session 2: Working him on the offside portion of the circle. Each time I would move back about 1', holding his collar and reving him up, he had 5 perfect drives up to the poles, wrap around tight and expect the cookie on the line.
Session 3: Moved to the onside portion of the circle. After today I realize that I need to start both these boys onside first?! He got the entry with a fairly tight turn around pole 2 from 1', 2' and even 3' back. Once I moved to 4' he was actually weaving through the other direction but along the weave line and then expecting the treat at the 3 o'clock line?! I allowed him to try again 2 more times but each time he would weave those two poles and run along the 3 o'clock line. Moved back to 3' and he did it 2 more times with rewards.
Session 4: Did 3 cookies on offside and 3 onside at 1' 2' and 3', did great with all 6 holding his collar and reving him up.
I decided to use white milkbone cookies for his treats and break them into 3 small pieces. I took a total of 5 pieces for each working session so that I did not work too long in a session.
Equipment: I used only 1 set of weave poles set at 1&7 staked.
Session 1: Working him on the offside portion of the circle. He had 5 successes in a row on this side. Each time we moved back a foot, his final one was at least 5' back from the weaves, he drove up and around the weave pole staying on the throw line, keeping his head down and tight to the poles. (I must admit, I was super thrilled with this and thought maybe he had got it!! lol)
Session 2: Moved to the onside portion of the circle. He got the entry with a fairly tight turn around pole 2 from 1' and 2' back. Once we got to 3' back he was running straight threw the poles to go the opposite of the reward line. No reward. Tried again, this time same thing but leaping through the poles (so scary), no reward. Moved back to 2' go it again but a bit wide on the turn around pole 2. Kept at 2' for next 2 to reward the tighter turn.
Session 3: Stayed on the onside portion of the circle. Started at 1' and 2' again. Did get one 3' one but he is definitely not turning around pole 2 as we would like. He did 2 times of going out to nearly the poles and then turning back along the reward line without having gone through any poles. Will have to talk to Andrea about idea's at the barn tomorrow. Kept at 2' for last 2 to get tighter turn.
Session 4: Did 3 cookies on off side, again he is much better from this side. 3 cookies onside, still no further back than 2-3'.
In between each session we worked on his bed. He drives to it and will maintain it while I get cookies ready for his next session.
I also used white milkbone cookies for his treats. I took a total of 5 pieces for each working session so that I did not work too long in a session.
Equipment: I used only 1 set of weave poles set at fully open 3-9 and not staked.
First I actually worked Ripley on his bed (my neighbour was dogsitting and found one in our back shed! I didn't even know we had one so now Rip has his own already, lol) It only took him one working session to know that the best treats come on the bed. He maintained his stay in between sessions on his bed while I broke up his cookies.
Session 1: I started Rip within the top portion of the circle to ensure he remembered to run straight through and along the line. I did 5 cookies along the circle, he drove straight through the poles expecting his treat on the line and down. He was originally taught with treats as the toy was just too high for him.
Session 2: Working him on the offside portion of the circle. Each time I would move back about 1', holding his collar and reving him up, he had 5 perfect drives up to the poles, wrap around tight and expect the cookie on the line.
Session 3: Moved to the onside portion of the circle. After today I realize that I need to start both these boys onside first?! He got the entry with a fairly tight turn around pole 2 from 1', 2' and even 3' back. Once I moved to 4' he was actually weaving through the other direction but along the weave line and then expecting the treat at the 3 o'clock line?! I allowed him to try again 2 more times but each time he would weave those two poles and run along the 3 o'clock line. Moved back to 3' and he did it 2 more times with rewards.
Session 4: Did 3 cookies on offside and 3 onside at 1' 2' and 3', did great with all 6 holding his collar and reving him up.
Sept 21st - Tracy Sklenar 2x2 Workshop
Baxter and I attended a half day 2x2 workshop with instructor Tracy Sklenar. She was an awesome presented/teacher and we had a really good day. I had originally taught B to weave with 2x2 and luring but now he seems to have issues getting into the weaves. I know you aren't suppose to think for your dogs but I know for sure he has trouble checking up before the weaves and I believe (with the confirmation from the chiro when his shoulders were out of line) that he hurts himself in the weaves. If you notice in the picture below, he really does move those poles..and no other dog's pics from this trial moved them like this! :(

So I have decided to go back to step one with B and see if we can get these weave pole entry issues and the driving through with this shoulders under control. Tracy helped lots and gave us lots of ideas to work on. B was showing that he is looking for a toy to come from the air rather than keep his head down and drive from his rear. I will work on rear end awareness exercises, desensitizing him from the throwing a toy action and see if we can get this to work.

So I have decided to go back to step one with B and see if we can get these weave pole entry issues and the driving through with this shoulders under control. Tracy helped lots and gave us lots of ideas to work on. B was showing that he is looking for a toy to come from the air rather than keep his head down and drive from his rear. I will work on rear end awareness exercises, desensitizing him from the throwing a toy action and see if we can get this to work.
Sept 18th - At the barn
So tonight we headed to the barn for the first time since last winter. All the dogs seemed to enjoy the indoors tonight and we had pretty great concentration from ours and the students dogs...gotta love that!
Lost my notes so once I find them, will update this day :))
Lost my notes so once I find them, will update this day :))
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Sept 17th - at home

Exercise 1 - Set Point Jumping. Jump 1 stayed at 10" the whole time
16", 22", 26", 22", 26"
Jumped nice over all the jumps focusing forward each time. Rewarded the forward focus throughout exercise
16", 22", 26", 22", 26"
Went around the second jump the first two times to get to the toy. I was able to step on it first so was not rewarded.
Once he realized what was expected, he jumped very nice over all the heights. Good forward focus to the toy each time. Did crouch on the sit/wait.
Exercise 2 - Serp work over 1 jump
Jump set at 26" the whole time
He is really understanding the arm crossing my chest means to take the jump and then rewarding with the toy in my other hand around the jump. He is slicing the jump awesome and kept the bar up each time.
Jump set at 22" to start.
This was Rip's first time trying this exercise. He truly did not understand the arm and kept trying to run under the jump and then would go around and jump it correctly. I don't think he understood to jump into such a small place with his mom standing there :) With the help of an extra bar to keep him from going under! we did have success in the end. Still not comfortable but always wanting to please. Again he is moving into a crouch position in front of the jump!
Exercise 3 - Threadle work with 2 jumps
Jump set at 26"
Baxter is understanding the body/shoulder change really well and was turning right back and going right for his tug at 1 jump. He did 1 jump beautiful 3 times so we moved onto 2. He really worked nicely, turning right in, slicing the jump back out to come right back to his tug. No bars down!
Jump set at 22 & 26" alternating
Ripley really understands this exercise. He has an incredible ability to turn his body and being so agility this is easy for him. He did the 1 jump beautiful but I did not do 2 jumps with him today. Maybe tomorrow :)
Exercise 4 - Serp with 2 jumps
Jumps set at 26"
Baxter was doing this awesome. He is working much better these days in closer proximity to the jump. I made sure to get out of his way but stay within 2' of the jumps as I was moving right or left. He definitely jumps better on his right lead but was doing good both directions.
Did not do this exercise with him today. I felt we needed a better handle on the 1 jump first.
Exercise 5 - Push through with 1 jump
Jump set at 26"
Baxter really understands the step in means to go around the jump and take it! I am so impressed at how easy he picked this up. He did take the bar down at first on the left lead (if I remember correctly) as he wasn't getting his body into the air as he was trying to make the turn/jump too fast. In the end he was keeping all bars up and with jump my leg stepping in he knew what to do.
Jump set at 22" & 26"
Ripley also got this right away. He did sometimes take the bar down when he wasn't trying to jump properly but overall did great.
Exercise 6 - Push through with 2 jumps
Baxter & Ripley
Both dogs did this great too! I had to sit Ripley up looking forward at jump 1 instead of on a serp angle but otherwise he did great. We will work on his more tomorrow I expect.
Baxter worked on his bed in between exercises. He is very good at going directly to the bed and does not move while I work on setting up the next exercise. I left him in a stay while I went in to get treats etc and he was perfect. I also worked on making sure there was no flanking! He tried a couple of times without luck :)
Ripley I noticed today is a flanker! Oh god :( I will have to keep my eye on that as I don't want Susan mad at me for having another one do that to me, lol. I also did a bit of work with him on B's bed. When I was setting the next exercise he would sit on it :)
Tomorrow's plan:
We are training at the barn tomorrow. We will be working on jump grids, set point jumps with the spread as jump 2, we will also work on push throughs. I would like to see what Andrea thinks of Ripley's non-desire to jump the 1 jump like a serp to see if I am doing something wrong. I expect we will do some contacts too.
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